Chapter 20 Clara

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Clara POV.

He drags me towards the stairs without any pause.

I start to wake up, knowing Arthur is about to lock me back in that bedroom on the second floor.

"Don't... I don't want to... Bastard! Let go!"

But my strength is too weak, and he pulls me along the way. So I console myself that I'll just have to stay a few more days in that room.

However, I underestimated the extent of Arthur's perversion.

On the way back, he told me in the car that he wanted to make me cry and suffer deeply, and now he won't let me escape easily.

The bedroom is no longer as empty as it used to be. The walls are covered with all sorts of torture devices: whips of various kinds, a wooden horse, a rack, iron chains, and some strange props I don't recognize, nor do I know their purpose.

"I never thought of treating you like this," Arthur says, looking at me as he approaches and lifts my chin. "But you keep challenging my boundaries. We could have lived well, but it's you who doesn't want to."

"Take off your clothes," he says coldly, then strides toward the center of the room.

I see him pull down an iron chain with shackles attached to it. I've only seen such things in movies, used to torture traitors severely.

My hands tremble, but I take off my clothes. Because I'm back in Arthur's cage.

Then, I raise my hands as he instructs. "When you do wrong, you should be punished. I don't need to teach you that," he says, pressing my head down, forcing me to kneel.

My arms are pulled high by the chains, and my ankles are locked by the shackles fixed to the ground. I can't move now.

Arthur looks at me for a few seconds, then goes to a nearby cabinet and takes out a few things.

I tremble in fear, pulling on the chains and making noise when a blindfold blocks the light in front of my eyes.

"Shh," Arthur gently touches my hair. "Be quiet."

I tremble uncontrollably.

What do I have to be nervous about? I was already aware that he would torture me on the way back. It's just that darkness blurs my sense of time. I don't like the darkness. I hope tomorrow comes sooner. I hope...

"Ah!" Before I could gather myself, I received a sharp blow to my ass.

I don't know what it is, but I feel more pain than I've ever felt.

"Count to a hundred," Arthur says. "If you miscount or miss something, we'll start over. If you can help it, I won't mind beating you to a pulp."

Before I can understand what Arthur means, another severe pain covers the previous pain.

The chains continue to shake, muffling my moans of pain.

Arthur then strikes my buttocks five times with the ruler. My ankles are pinned to the floor and there is no way I can duck.

"Ah..." Tears irritate my eyes: "It hurts..."

"Are you scared?" Arthur's voice is very soft, and he taps my face gently with the ruler. "It's okay, Clara. In this room, I can play with not only your ass. If your ass is ruined, but also your pussy. If it's ruined, too, I can play with your nipples, and mouth. Do you want to try them all? We have plenty of time. "

My breath catches in fear. I know he is a man of his word.

He swings the ruler again, this time with more force.

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