Chapter 43 Kyle

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Kyle POV.

At this critical moment, Dad should take out the diamond ring.

But that ring is still sitting on the bedside table of our New York villa. Instead, it's Clara who slowly extends her hand, opening her palm. There are two rings on her palms, rings woven from blue yarn.

The next day is a sunny day.

I head back to school, while Dad stays home to decorate; he says there's a room Clara dislikes, and he needs to tear it down.

When I return home from school, Dad has finished that work. He is lying on the sofa, staring at his hand held up high.

Upon hearing the sound of me and the butler coming back, he doesn't even glance at me, but gets up, walks to the butler, and asks what he is wearing on his hand.

The butler replies, "My eyesight is bad, but if I'm not mistaken, it should be a ring."

Satisfied, Dad leans back on the sofa, continuing to gaze at his hand.

I don't think this is surprising. Clara wove his ring from the leftover yarn she used to knit me a scarf.

It means Clara still prefers me.

But when I return to the room, put on my scarf again, and deliberately wander around the villa, dad is no longer jealous of me. Actually, he shows no interest in me at all.

On the weekend, we get up early and head to Huston Valley together.

When we arrive at Clara's doors, it's 8:30 in the morning, but Clara is not here.

She's probably gone grocery shopping.

Yet by noon, Clara still hasn't returned.

Did she go to the neighbor's house again?

We knock on the neighbor's door, but she says she hasn't seen Clara either.

We wait until the sun is about to set.

Could it be she didn't return last night either?

I can't hold back any longer, turning to Dad and shouting, "It's all your fault! If you hadn't come looking for her, she wouldn't have left!"

Dad's face darkens, and he sneers at me, "You were the one who pestered her first. Do you think you're a lovable child?"

"She left because she couldn't stand you!" My legs ache from waiting, and I start sobbing, "It's all your fault! It's all your fault!"

He looks at me, his chest heaving intensely, then raises his hand as if to spank me.

But I'm not afraid anymore; I stare back at him, crying fiercely.

His chest heaves even more violently, his hand suspended in mid-air.

The sun sets, turning the sky orange.

I turn my head and see a figure at the intersection.

I rush over, hug Clara's thigh, and continue to cry.

"You're here? Have you been waiting long?" Clara asks.

I'm crying so hard I can't breathe or speak.

"It's your dad's birthday today, so I went to the bakery in town to get him a cake," Clara looks past me. "I didn't miss midnight this time, did I?"

She grabs my hand and holds a box in the other, walks over to Dad and places the cake in his arms. "Happy birthday."

Dad remains silent.

"You once said I never gave you anything nice," Clara pauses, "This isn't a normal cake; it's the best in the whole Huston Valley, I made it."

Now it's Dad's turn to cry; he blinks, "I thought you changed your mind again and ran away."

"I've been right here; I didn't go anywhere," Clara smiles.

"I'm truly lucky. I'm so lucky to have the best Clara in the Huston Valley." dad says.

I'm lucky too. I have the best mom in the Huston Valley.


Thank you for your support and encouragement! The story of Arthur, Clara, and Kyle's family comes to an end here.

My new story, "The Forgotten Love," is currently being serialized with daily updates.

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