Chapter 3 - Learning Confidence As A Girl

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Friday – March 20th 2020

"Heels!?" I cried out, holding them in my hands! These were not your average training heels or flats, these were 'I'm confident in my stride, heels!' "But I do not even know how-to walk-in heels, mom!" Aradia smiles, watching me.

"Well, change back into Caitlynn and I will be happy to teach you, sweetie."

Seeing no choice, I walk over to the kitchen table and pick up the locket and look at the broken image of Caitlynn, sighing.

"Well, here we go again..."

I closed the locket as it shimmered and glowed in the palm of my hand. The stained etching faded away until the locket was made of pure unblemished silver and shimmering as the energy absorbed back into my body. I watched my smooth brown hair go on a wild growing spree, cascading all over my shoulders.

"Man... this feels so weird!"

"Heh-he", Aradia giggled, watching "You will get used to it in time."

My body thins down as my face narrows and my eyes shift from blue back to silver as my lips swelled up: not a delightful sensation!

My hair elongates to the point where it was weighing me down as I tried working out the odd muscular sensations in my puffy cheeks.

"I just have a feeling you'll be switching into Caitlynn for a long time to come...once you understand of course...but all in good time!" I heard Aradia mutter, just smiling away, pleased.

I glanced at her as she seemed to enchant her stardust wings as they turned into white doves and fluttered away and disappeared into white shimmering mist.

"Wha...what happening to your wings? Are you okay?" I asked her, not certain if that was normal for a fairy to have her wings turn into wild birds!

"I'm just going to get rid of these pesky wings for a few moments...they throw off my balance." as she looked down at the floor as two purple high heels then appeared. She smiled as she had easily slipped into the left one first, and then into the right one. "Alright, I will demonstrate for you, Caitlynn."

I'm still thrown off about her wings of doves, asking her with worry.

"But aren't you a faery!?" I asked her as I laid my shoes down on the floor and slipped my left foot into the first one. My toes slipped through the end, with the tips just barely exposed. My raised heel made me feel off-centered, as if I was going to fall forward!

"Sweetheart, a fae can hide his or her wings and crown to appear as a normal person, just as a mermaid can hide her tail while walking on land. It's all about perception and making the population comfortable."

I put my weight onto my left foot as I scooted my foot over to the right shoe.

"Woah! These things are really awkward! Is this even safe to walk in?!" wobbly.

Aradia giggles, all giddy as she was filled with bliss, watching me 'attempting' to walk.

"This is so exciting! Now just follow my lead"

She lifts her underskirt and strides delicately across the floor, so gracefully in her heels. The one rule that I was swiftly learning about high heels was this: Take your time! I attempt to walk in these things as I felt like I have had one too many drinks!

"I'm finally getting to teach my little girl how to be a lady!" I listened to Aradia daydreaming, letting me have the floor.

"I can barely stand these things! Let alone walk in them!" I say, my voice switching over to Caitlynn's voice as I looked to Aradia for assistance "How am I supposed to pose in these things!?"

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