Chapter 40 - The Final Plight

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Saturday – October 31st 2020

Seattle, Washington – 3:32am

Eileen was exhausted as the curse from the locket still has not fully healed as she walked through the Cadabra Headquarters in rainy downtown Seattle, walking through Research & Development. She was looking at the massive computer that was constructed to link with every cellphone, television, and computer across the globe...only one thing was missing: the transfiguration spell.

"Right this way, ma'am." says Andrena as she too was exhausted "Our first successful prototype is now operational!" as she shows the data crystal.

"Excellent work!" Eileen yawns as she takes the crystal and walks to a test lab as she looks at three homeless men and three homeless woman having breakfast inside a sound-tight chamber as she sighs.

"Humans! So needy and yet so fragile!" she turns back to Andrena "So, I take it that the disenchanting process went well? No one else got cursed!?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Andrena smiles "As you can see, here's the spell that we extracted from the necklace. It held up quite well, making it easy to duplicate. And here are the ashes remaining from the necklace and the human soul fragments." Eileen slips the crystal into the machine as she opens the program to begin playing the silent spell to the test subjects as Andrena and Eileen watch.

"I only wish my sister was here to see this!" she comments as Andrena looks at a computer with the image of Bainbridge Island displayed.

"She will!" Andrena remarks as she has been hacking into the device to begin transmitting low levels of the spell, just under Gazzam Lake.

Inside the room, the men and women seemed to register the first effects of the spell, but they paid no mind to it. As for the three women, they seemed to look healthier and sexier as they began to act as if they have the mindset of a teenager; flirting and becoming somewhat rather bisexual in nature. A side-effect of species-cleansing!

"Impressive!" as Eileen approves. "How long before this signal goes out across the world!?" as she pulls out the crystal, looking at her weapon of revenge.

"We can have it up and running within the hour!" Andrena comments as she begins focusing on the connections to every electronic owned by man...and with Cadabra's platform...they were now unstoppable!

Eileen walks over to the super computer as a portal then opens and Aradia grabs Eileen from the office as she opens a second portal and exits the room without a single person ever knowing.

"Miss Hitode..." as Andrena then turns around, needing the crystal as Eileen and the crystal were now gone.


A portal opens about 15 feet off of the rooftop of Cadabra as Eileen was falling to the hard concrete as she lands hard, the wind being knocked out of her lungs as she gasps for a breath as the rain patters on her lovely white suit and white pants.

Aradia lightly falls to the roof as she stares at the accursed woman as they found themselves once more...ready to play this same game that had wounded both of them deeply and had taught Aradia that she could harness Void Magic to cause harm: the same magic that had once destroyed her relationship with her husband.

"Where am I?" Eileen gasps as she looks at Aradia as her blood runs cold. 'Oh crap!' "Who do you think you are to grab me like that!? I am a protected citizen of the Unseelie Court!" she barks at Aradia.

"I want my daughter's locket back!" Aradia say "NOW!" as she activates her Soul Magic.

"So..." as Eileen staggers to her feet, sore and hurting "...we meet again, Aradia Acacia! I thought that name seemed familiar when that human came to my establishment wearing your spell! You are aware the corporate spying is a crime punishable by isolation!" Eileen brushes herself off as her automatic healing magic was busy at work. "To think it was you who had made that locket; I am not surprised!"

The Mystical Life Of Caitlynn Acacia (TG Story)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara