Chapter 25 - The Missing Fragment

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Friday – July 10th 2020

I laid there observing Mr. Morrigan for what felt like the longest time. It wasn't a gaze of hormonal love or sexual desire; it was a gaze of a love-one seeing a beloved family member for the first time in a generation. He walked gracefully, almost feminine-like, to the tripod as he set up his own camera and cleaned the dust from his lens and then focused on me.

"So," he nervously spoke "you're a model?"

"Yep." as I lay there, flapping my tail in the hot burning sun.

"This is my first-time photo shooting for a model...I am privileged!" as he smiles. "If you have any tips or pointers, please do not be bashful to share them! I am always open to constructive criticism!"

"I'm not much of a photographer myself...I am certain you'll do great. Ahem, what is your first name?" I asked, as he glances at me and blushes.

"Sorry, I should have introduced myself. I am Blake." he comments.

My eyes opened wide as this could not be! No way would we so easily stumble upon one another. I know that this world is worked by magic, but I am a realist!

"Blake? Blake Morrigan!" I remarked as he looked up and nodded.

"Yea?" as he shutters his camera and wonders why I was so surprised. "Have we met before?"

"Not for a very, very long time!" I commented as I needed to keep him talking "Hey, uhm, after this, would you like to go grab a bite to eat? I am starved and I would like the company...if it isn't a bother of course!"

"Not at all." he smiles as customers then arrive "Its show time!"

I pose with children until the hot sun drives them away as I see dad come over; looking around, looking for me. He then walks over to Blake and I as I wanted to reach out to him, but knew it would not be wise.

"Excuse me" he asked Blake "is this the only photoshoot area?" Blake nodded before responding.

"Yes sir."

"Hmm..." he ponders "...must have missed him. Well thanks anyway, young man."

It hurts my heart to watch him walk away so disappointed. To be lying here in the pool...looking at him as he looked for me; and unable to say a single word. I might have made a scene...a lie to comfort him. But with Blake here...things have sort of changed!

With my shift over, and feeling like a deep-fried fish. I help pack up the photoshoot site, even though it isn't my job...I was dedicated to following him wherever he goes. I need to know if he contains any of my sister's soul fragments inside of him.

I glanced at him as he was pausing, seemingly greyish-blue in the face as he worked on taking deep steady breaths. He did not look very well.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as I caught him off guard as he nodded.

"Oh, yeah!" he replies "Just catching my breath, I think it is the sun getting to me!"

"Take five, I will load this into the van." as I carried the gear to the company's van as I returned to see him looking somewhat better.

"I'm on a tight budget..." he commented "...I hope Micky D's will suffice!" I smirked, nodding.

"Most certainly...anywhere with shade and an air conditioner will be a pleasant change!" We walked inside, maintaining our distance as it was nice to just cool down as I took out my cellphone "Just a moment please, I need to text mom to let her know that my shift is over."

The Mystical Life Of Caitlynn Acacia (TG Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin