Chapter 18 - Life Lessons

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Wednesday – June 10th 2020

A feel a pressure being applied to my chest as my breasts rise and fall with each mechanical breath. I large transparent tube holds my lips apart as I was on ventilation.

'This isn't good!' My arms were secured so I did not rip out my breathing tube as I studied myself 'Oh no! What have I done to myself!?' as this was tragic! I felt swollen and broken as tears flowed from my eyes 'My career and friendship are all over!'

As assortment of IV's and tubes were inserted throughout my body as I am lucky to be alive! I still remember the accident, seeing it play over and over inside of my head! Something there, like a speeding truck had run me off of the road in the middle of the storm!

"Caitlynn! Sweetie!" I heard mom say as I shifted my eyes to the left and saw her standing by my bedside. "My little girl!" as she was crying. "I am so sorry that I couldn't protect you!"

'No, it is I who should be sorry! I did try to commit suicide!' But if it wasn't for my own guilt for taking my life and grandma...who knows what stupid things I would have done to myself! Mom then took my hand as she wanted to hold me...I could feel her quivering. She was genuinely scared!

"I'm going to begin healing you, but because we are at a human facility, I need to stabilize you enough to take you home...I am so sorry, sweetie." As she was about to pull away, I gripped her hand, begging her to stay.

I could not speak, but I hope my heartfelt stare will convey my sincere apologies as she smiles and begins working on my neck and head. After just a few minutes, the pain had begun to lessen as she healed my broken ribs and internal bleeding. About 30 minutes into the quiet treatment, she then looks down at me.

"I know that you are unable to speak at this time, which might be for the best." as she glances at me "Rose called me and told me that November and you had a falling out. I am so sorry, sweetie." She finishes as I can breathe easier as she scoots a chair over to my side to sit.

"Rose said that you did not tell November your secret. And for that, I am grateful. I understand your sadness sweetie. Sometimes those that we love the most tend to not understand us...but I want you to know...November and you are not through. She just needs time to realize that she had overreacted. She's a smart girl, sweetie. She will come around. But even now, you must keep your secret from her! If she learns the truth before she is ready, I fear there will be no future for you two."

The nurse comes in as she looks at mom and smiles.

"Hi Mrs. Acacia, the radiology technician is here to take an x-ray, mind if you step out for a moment?"

"Of course," mom replies as she looks back at me "I'll be right outside, sweetie." as she steps out and the radiologist comes in and takes a few pictures of my chest, the neck, the head, and the pelvis. When she leaves, the nurse and mother both returns. The nurse looks at my oxygenation as she smiles.

"Her oxygenation is looking good; we might be able to remove her from the ventilator." as she pushes her vocera device and says in the communicator "ICU charge to respiratory."

'Respiratory, this is Sandra speaking.'

"Hi Sandra, my patient in room 356, her saturations are looking quite good...could you please check on her to see if we can remove her from ventilation?"

'Certainly, be there in a minute!' as Sandra hangs up and 30 seconds later appears as she masks up and comes inside.

"Hi!" Sandra comments as she looks down at me "She's awake! That's wonderful!" she comes over and looks at the tidal flows of my lungs as she checks the oxygenation and carbon dioxide in the defusing. "I think she is ready." she comments as she primes the machine. "Okay sweetie, when I say breathe in, I want you inhale as deep as you can go...okay?" I nod my head as I am ready to get this thing out of me!

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