Percy Jackson quiz

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Okay guys!I'm just asking you guys random questions from Percy Jackson!!Please message me privately!The first one to get all the answers correct is the winner(obvio...)and yes, no googling and no cheating...

(Okay guys!The contest has been closed!!Thank you for participating.The answers have been given now......)


No of questions=20

Q1: What is Percy's Favorite color??? (Answer: Blue)

Q2: Where does Percy's mom work??? (Answer: In a candy shop.Later, she became an author)

Q3: What are the names of Annabeth's brothers?(mortal parent's side) (Answer: Bobby and Matthew Chase)

Q4: What is the name of Percy's cyclops brother???? (Answer:Tyson)

Q5: How did Nico rise the dead in Battle of the Labyrinth? (Answer: Happy Meals, and Coke thrown into a grave)

Q6: Name any 1 person from Hypnos cabin (Answer: Clovis)

Q7: In which part does Nico say,"With great power comes a great need to take a nap."? (Answer: Percy Jackson and the last Olympions)

Q8: Name the son of Nemisis who  traded an eye to make a difference in the world? (Answer:Ethan Nakamura)

Q9: Who gave Luke Castellan his scar? (Answer: Ladon)

Q10: What is the name of Percy's sword in greek? (Answer:Anaklusmos)

Q11: What is the name of Reyna's pegasus? (Answer: Scippio)

Q12: Who says "That is exactly how people beat Chinese handcuffs. They turn into iguanas."? (Answer: Leo to Frank)

Q13: Who says "Two hundred Romans, and no one's got a pen? Never mind!" (Answer:Mars. Yeah, MARS. No point for Ares!)

Q14: What is Thalia's favourite band?(Answer: Green Day)

Q15: What are the fatal flaws of Nico,Percy and Annabeth? (Answer: Grudges, Loyalty, and Hubris respectively)

Q16: Name Percy's mortal friend who can see through mist. (Answer: Rachel)

Q17: Name the guy who invented the labyrinth.Name his nephew too. (Answer:  Daedulus, and Perdix )   {extra: Daedalus's son was Icarus}

Q18: What is the name of Reyna's sister? (Answer: Hylla)

Q19: What is the name of harpy who is rescued by Percy in Son of Neptune? (Answer: Ella)

Q20: Who is Piper's dad? (Answer: Tristan McLean)

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