Nico x Reader

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  Requested by @WinterWite .Hey guys.'SUP? Anyways,I know I have not been updating for a few days...I'm sorry....anyways...

Le story:-

Nico's P.O.V:-

I heard someone laughing in a distance.That person had a beautiful laugh.I went to check who it was and it turned out to be Y/n.She looks so pretty!Yeah,I have a big crush on her.No wait-I love her!

"Nico?"Leo asked,snapping me out of my thoughts

"L-Leo?What do you want?"I asked.

"Do you like Y/n?"he asked.

" just like her as a friend.She is an awesome friend.She is a cool person!"I said(more like lied) too quickly.

"Over explaining and speaking at a rapid speed are common signs of lying!"Leo said.I sighed.

"Yes,I do."I said

"Then you should confess to Y/n"Leo said.

"But how?"I asked.

"Pick-up lines"Leo answered simply.

Your p.o.v:

You were reading the funny book Annabeth told you to read.It was totally awesome.Suddenly,Nico walked towards me looking paler than usual.You gave him a questioning look.

"Hey Y/n,Do you believe in true lo-?" You cut him off, turning the page of your book and speaking in a bored voice. 

"Not really, no. Don't bother walking by again." That took Nico off guard.He decided to keep trying, determined this time. 

"Oh. Well, Are you Gilette,Because you're the best a man can get."He said.You sighed.

"Well,If I had to be a blade,I am probably riptide.Or I could use riptide to rip off your head"you said,still not looking up from your book.Nico was getting discouraged now.He tried to give one more shot. 

"Right. Well, did it hurt when you f-?" You cut him off for the second time,as you turned another page in your book. "Well,to be honest,no.But it did when I crawled all the way up from hell."you said.Nico sighed sadly.

"I knew I never had a chance with you"he said and turned to walk away.

"Who said that?"you asked and he immediately turned around.

"What do you mean?"he asked.

"If you think you really do know me well,you also must be knowing that I hate pick up lines"you answered simply and finally looked up from your book.

"I messed it up didn't I?Well,I,Nico Di Angelo,love you so much that I could go through Tartarus again for you"he said,his eyes closed,ready for rejection.But instead of a slap,he felt something soft on his lips.Yes,you were kissind him.He kissed back,slowly and passionately.You both broke apart after a while.

"Well,it was very cheesy but better than the previous confession.Anyways,me too"you said.

"What?"he asked.

"I love you too,you idiot!"you said while grinning.

"I may be an idiot,but I am your idiot"he smiled and you face palmed.

"Again with the cheesiness,eh?"you said and laughed along with him.

Heroes Of Olympus Guys X Reader (One-shots) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now