November 14th, 11:06:38 AM

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"He stormed into your life, ripped up your rule-book, and carved his way into your heart."

Cas woke first, groaning because damn his head hurt. It pounded, pulsating to a beat, throbbing and aching. Cas absentmindedly thought that this was exactly a hangover must feel like, but diagnosed it as nothing more than a simple headache that would go away. He did feel dizzy though, and a little sick, kind of nauseous. And why was he down to just his boxers?

He blearily opened his eyes, squinting at the sun that streamed in through the blinds, and that's when he felt the very warm something that was pressed up against him, extending out to wrap it's whatevers across his hips.

Wait. What?

He slowly turned around, already making an action plan to beat up whatever it was with whatever was within reach, which, at this point, was a very small battered copy of The Hobbit lying on the floor next to the bed. Once again, Cas cursed himself for not being a gun enthusiast instead of a book nerd. All plans of attacking quickly vanished, however, as he rolled over in the bed cautiously and found himself with a face full of Dean.


Dean was still sleeping, his mouth slightly open and drool hanging from the side of it, breathing steadily and looking the most peaceful Cas had seen him since Cas had been...raped. He fought back the guilty feeling in his chest, that maybe Dean wouldn't be like that He had to stop blaming himself for the incident, he had worked this out with Evelyn. Still, none of this would have happened: The depression and panic attacks, the weed, the breakup. Cas sighed, blowing air into Dean's face.

Wait. Dean. Right, more pressing matters at hand. Like how he had woken up almost naked with strong signs of a hangover snuggling with his ex-soulmate who, by the way, was also wearing nothing but boxers?

Shit. Had they done something? Cas would remember if they had...right? They had obviously gotten drunk, really drunk, because last night was a complete blackout other than little snatches of drunken giggling and shaky hands and drinking cup after cup of alcohol. Cas had no idea what had happened, so technically, anything could have happened last night and they would have no idea.

He groaned, shaking his head. He remembered Dean coming to talk to him, Dean in his bedroom door, saying that he wasn't going to leave him again. Dean saying that they probably weren't going to get anywhere when Cas was as stoned as hell, and Cas joking that they were both probably going to have to get drunk for the talk that was about to follow.

And that was it. All he remembered. Maybe Dean remembered more. Or, perhaps that it was for the best that he didn't. Right now, he needed to find his shirt and get it on so Dean didn't wake up and go through the same thought process Cas had.

Cas shifted slowly at first, attempting not to wake up Dean, who currently had a death grip on him, and propped himself up with his elbow. Trying to wriggle out unnoticed, he held his breath and slowly, ever so slowly, sat up. Dean didn't stir.

Ok. He could do this. Everything would be fine. He experimentally wiggled his hips, which Dean's arm was curled around, and Dean didn't wake, so Cas just straight up tried to get up because his head was killing him and he really needed to take some medicine for it or it would explode, which was his big mistake. Dean's eyes flew open, and Cas cursed himself for not remembering how much of a light sleeper his former soul mate was. Dean's arm tightened around Cas instinctively, making Cas fall back.

Jesus Christ.

"Cas?" Dean asked groggily, frowning and blinking his eyes slowly as he assessed the situation, and goddamn if that wasn't the cutest thing ever. Cas watched as Dean slowly put together the puzzle pieces, how Cas was 3/4ths naked, how he himself was 3/4ths naked, how they were both pressed up against each other with Dean basically holding him at hip. He quickly jerked his hand back while squirming away as far as he could from Cas without falling off the bed, and wrinkled his nose, groaning a little and massaging his temples. "Do you remember if we..."

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