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I wrap my arms around myself and shut my eyes tightly.

If I don't listen he will go away, just like my shadows do. Just like the darkness, the memories, the thoughts, the need to kill.

"My love, please." He speaks closer this time, most likely following me.

My breathing is harsh to keep the emotions at bay but my legs move swiftly, carrying me away from him. My arms are in front of my body, shielding it.

These emotions. I don't want them. I want to be my old self. I want to be the emotionless assassin. The person who could kill without blinking. The person who trusted three people at the most.

The secluded killer not this... psychotic Luna. I hear people call my name but I run blindly without caring what happens to me.

My feet move swiftly and effortlessly as if it is a simple walk in the park while my breathing is even. My body moves on its own accord while thoughts plague my mind.

I've been dead before so what's once more going to do to me? It's not like I have anything to loose left. The man I love has changed and my best friend isn't even in the same side of the state as me and my best friend's brother is being bullied just like I was. If I can't protect myself, how can I protect those I love? Do I just leave and hope the danger follows me? Do I run and hope that the pain leaves those I love alone?

My foot catches on something and I sprawl across the dirt floor of the forest. I crawl to my hands and knees while spitting out dirt.

The emotions wracking my body causing it to shake uncontrollably. I cover my head with my hands, tucking into a ball.

The tears stream down my face and my breathing is sharp and uneven.

'Master, we are here.'

Go away, please. I nearly cry out when I feel their gentle touches along my body. The switch in my head seems almost loose and something simple might set it off.

"Please, please, let me go." I beg silently. "I just want to be free. I don't want these issues. Please."

I don't know how long I stay stuck in this rolled up form, begging for freedom and change, but what I do know is that it is dark and I have to move to breath correctly.

I pull myself to my feet and stumble against a tree. The cold night air adding onto the shivering. My breath fans in front of my face. My bare arms scratch the tree and my shorts are covered in mud. My shoes are missing and I can bet my hair looking like a mess in its ponytail.

"I want her found!" A voice echos and power radiates from it.

My vision swims but I stumble towards the direction of the voice. My purpose is to get back home. Screw it if he isn't the same man, I want him back. I want my switch to stay with emotions because emotionless me is terrifying.

I hear howls all around me before I spot a man walking slowly as if he is slowly dying.

I step forward causing a twig to snap. I suddenly become the focus of the golden eyed creature. At the intensity of those eyes, I break down into a crying fit again. I drop to my knees and my butt but reach my arms up.

I see him run towards me before familiar arms wrap around my waist and pull me into a tight hug.

"My love, you worried me." He whispers against the side of my head.

I bury my face into his neck as my arms are tight around his shoulders. My shaking body is held carefully as he picks me up.

I feel wolves circle us but my head stays against his warm neck. I feel someone pluck stuff from my hair before a jacket is set over my shoulders and tucked between my body and Tyler's.

Agent Luna [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now