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(First Chapter is for storytellers-saloon's Teen Fiction Challenge. The rest are for WritingMelody & I's novel)

I sat down on the park bench, kicking at the fallen leaves scattered on the ground.

She sighed and sat down next to me. We stayed silent for a moment, a gentle breeze picking up, cooling the tense air surrounding us. She turned to me and sighed.

"You know, people told me you were a bad guy. I know it too. I know what you do with girls, yet here I am. I used to think-hell, I still do- that you may be a bad boy, but not an all around bad guy."

She shook her head and run a hand down her face, letting out a tense breath.

She shook her head again and whispered, "God, I am an idiot. I stay here anyway. I mean, we're not even dating or friends with benefits so I shouldn't feel upset should I? But, I like you, damn it I really do! The sad part is, you know it too. You just don't care."

She stood up and wiped her hands on her jeans, not meeting my eye. "Whatever, you're probably not listening anyway." She shot one last glance at me, then walked away.

I do care about you Amelia! I wanted to shout. I was listening. I always am. I pulled myself up, debating whether to chase after her or not. I shook my head, immediately shooting down the idea.

She doesn't need me. She could do so much better than me. Yeah. My brain said. But is that what she wants?

I cast my thoughts away and stuffed my hands into my jean's pockets, walking home.


A couple of hours later, I received a call from her. I was excited to hear her voice, but I didn't answer the phone, so it went straight to voicemail.

I hesitantly pressed the button to playback the message, leaning back on my bed.

Her melodic voice rang in my ears, causing me to involuntarily smile. "I know this is last minute or whatever, but I wanted to tell you something. I know I'm just your escape; anytime you're upset you come to me. That much I've figured out myself."

I heard a soft sigh, and shuddered. I wanted to stop listening to the message, but I couldn't. I tuned back into the message, trying to stop my heart's irregular beating.

"I need you now... gosh I sound so stupid! Whatever. If you need to escape now, then fine. You know where to find me. I can be your escape and you can be mine. We don't have to talk, we can just do... those things u do with those other girls."

I could practically hear the blush on her face. "You're probably not even listening to this anyway, you probably have me on mute while you're doing it with some girl and I probably sound like some desperate bish but I don't really care right now. Just... I'm here. Just come to me if you want to."

Every single one of Amelia's words broke my heart, shattering it into a million pieces, yet I said nothing. After a long silence, she finally muttered, "Well, bye." I shook my head, my hands clenching into fists.

I heard the sadness, frustration and pain in her voice. I could hear her shaking. She wasn't ready for this. She didn't really want to do this. She was scared out of her mind!

I like her and don't want to take advantage of her, but I will anyway. It'll be like business. I sighed, walked out of my front door and got into my car, driving to Amelia's safe haven, our old treehouse.

We used to be best friends when we were little, and our families would always get together on the weekends. Our fathers had built this treehouse for us to play in when they didn't want us wrecking the house.

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