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Well this week was pretty hectic, with me putting in extra hours at the shelter and Amelia attempting suicide and all, so I honestly can say I did not enjoy my Friday at all.

First off, I was bored out of my mind sitting through all of my classes, which was definitely not good for me. I was already exhausted, so sleep almost came to me in all of my classes.

No joke. I was lucky enough to have Renee in some of my classes to wake me up by flicking my ear or throwing something at the back of my head when it started to droop. I would've thanked her but... she was doing too much with that power.

She is an extremely accurate thrower, and she has a really strong arm so some things she threw hurt more than they would have had she simply tossed them at me. I swear that girl is crazy! She threw a pencil sharpener at the side of my head with full force.

I'm fairly certain there is a bruise there now.

Odyssey was out sick so the three classes I had with him were a bore, Romeo wasn't in any of my classes today and I didn't get the chance to see him at lunch because I had to makeup my AP Physics test.

So the entire day I did the worst thing possible- think.

See, I'm doing it again! Thinking about Amelia even as I sit on the couch in front of my TV screen watching The Fairly OddParents with Cassie and her friend Jeopardy.

Somehow I just can't stop my thoughts from going back to Amelia. What was her reason for attempting suicide? Was it her father? Mason? Lyla? Something completely different that has nothing to do with any of us?

Was it... was it me?

I know I haven't been the best friend that I used to be but it couldn't have been me, right?

It can't be Mason. He tried to hit her but I know she still loves him. How much is the question.

Regardless of that though, there must be something else. It has to be deeper than Mason trying to hit her. Deeper than the neglect from her father. She's been dealing with that for years.

Or maybe that is the reason. The underlying problem. It could've been stemming for years and I just hadn't been around to notice.

Maybe Mason attempting to hit her was just the icing on the cake, the cake so full of sorrows and insecurities- the cake that has finally been iced to form into a single blurb of thoughts, so full yet so.... empty.

Woah, that was probably the deepest thing I have ever said in my life. I just scared myself. Where the heck did that even come from? I don't even know who I am anymore!





Perhaps that is what's wrong with Amelia. Perhaps she has lost herself and needs to be found. That would explain why she let Lyla change her into some... I don't even know what to call her at this point.

She's just... not herself. She's still there, but she's buried deep into a pool of quicksand, sinking fast because she is struggling to be brought out. Only, nobody wants to bring the real her out, they all want her to stay in.

Except you, my brain reminds me.

I smile. Yeah, I thought. Everyone except me.


Song of chapter: Work (Remix) - Devvon Terrell 

~Full song in external link~

Short but I swear my next chapter will be longer!!

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