7. Amelia

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When I opened my eyes, Cassie was sitting on the couch, trying to wake me up. I giggled at her attempts at sat up.

I'd felt slightly better, but not fully. Cassie's lips were moving, but I couldn't understand what she was saying since I was half sleep. I blinked and noticed a little girl beside her.

My expression must've been one of confuzzlement because they proceeded to explain what was going on and Jeopardy introduced herself to me. The information slowly started sinking in and I got up and powered through.

"Hi, I'm Amelia," I told Jeopardy.

"Hi," she waved.

"I'll be right back, girls, okay?" I assured.

They nodded and I left the room to check on my dad.

He smiled and waved. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, how are you?"

I went to him and checked the time.

"I took my meds, Amelia," he assured.

"I'm just checking on you, is all."

"Go back out there and have fun, okay?"

I sighed and put on a fake smile. "At a little kids birthday party?"

"You know what I mean," he nudged me.

"I do and I love you," I hugged him.

"Love you too," he said and I left him to his show.

"Okay, girls, who wants to play..." I made a drumroll sound. "Twister!"

They cheered, so I got the game out of the closet and set it up. I then proceeded to make a birthday cake while spinning the board and telling them where to put their hands and feet.

They seemed like really good friends and they, in a way, reminded me of Hunter and I when we were little. We did everything together. But... high school ruined us and we were slowly putting the puzzle back together. I just hoped they'd stay friends forever.

There were knocks at the door and I instructed them to put their left feet on red then went and opened it. Hunter and a woman walked in.

Hunter took me aside, looking a little shaken up.

"Hey, everything okay? Who is that?" I asked quietly.

"It's my mom. She's up to something, I know it," he said.

I looked at her, watching as she spun the board for the girls, seeming to get along with them. I looked back to Hunter and saw the pain and hurt on his face and in his eyes. I placed my hands carefully on the sides of his face, making him look at me.

"Hunter, listen to me," I said softly. "I know she hurt you. Deeply. I won't lie and say I can relate, because my mom didn't have a choice, but I do know that people can change. She doesn't look like she's here to start anything."

His eyes softened slightly as I spoke and he let out a ragged breath. "I just don't want Cassie to get hurt."

"Stay here," I said and went to his mom.

"Hi, I'm Amelia."

"I'm Danielle. It's nice to meet you, Amelia," she shook my hand.

"What brings you back into town?"

"I left the guy I was with and wanted to see Cassie,"

I looked over at Cassie and Jeopardy who moved on to eating the cake, so they couldn't hear us.

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