3. Amelia

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*One Week Later*

My dad was discharged from the hospital, and they had said that he had to be on bed rest for at least four months. Even then, he had to take it slow to make sure that he could safely drive and function.

Through it all, Hunter never left. He was always there, every step of the way. I felt terrible that he had to see me like this. I wasn't "broken," but this was such a difficult time for me right now and I wanted him to see me as the strong, happy person that I used to be.

Lately, it just felt like I was constantly broken.

Chelsea stopped by a few times—mostly to hang out with Hunter—but all the same she did genuinely care about the well being of my dad and I.

I'd managed to make her take Hunter out a few times, but it seemed as though they were never gone for long.

My grandparents were still alongside me too. It was only a matter of time before they had to leave again though. As great as they were—

My thought process was broken when my grandpa pulled into my driveway and helped my dad out the car.

Hunter took Dad's left side, Grandpa his right. They kept their arms wrapped tightly around him as they walked to ensure that he wouldn't fall.

"Guys, I can walk fine!" Dad protested. His protests were to no avail; they went right in one ear and out of the other.

They ignored him and continued into the house. Chelsea, Grandma, and I followed closely behind them in case Dad were to fall.

We made sure he got into his room and was settled onto his bed comfortably before any of us did anything for ourselves.

Grandma looked over him concernedly and asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Mom, I'm fine. I'm just tired," he plead with tired, droopy eyes.

We nodded in unison and left the room quietly, shutting his door so he could get some rest.

Once we reached the living room, we sat down on the couch. Nobody dared to make a sound.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Grandma slapped her hands on her knees and chirped, "I'll make us something to eat!"

She stood up and scurried from the room, headed for the kitchen.

Grandpa shrugged and turned on the TV while Hunter looked at me questioningly as if to ask "Now what?"

I gestured to the couch.

"You and Chels just make yourself at home. I have to go do something."

With that, I went upstairs to my bedroom and shut the door. I walked over to my nightstand, picked up the letter from UH and sighed sadly.

This is it, I thought as I dialed the contact number. I'd never given too much thought into college—honestly didn't think I'd live to see the day— but having to turn down a college was definitely not in the plan.

The phone stopped ringing and a cheery voice said, "Hello, University of Houston, Karen speaking!"

"Hi," I swallowed.

"I, uh," I cleared my throat in hopes of having a clearer voice.

"My name is Amelia Jackson and I got accepted into UH."

"Oh, congratulations!" Karen cheered. "Have you pre registered already?"

"No, that's actually why I'm calling." I sighed as I plopped down on my bed. "I won't be able to attend college this year."

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