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The next morning —Saturday— I went downstairs to my dad, making breakfast. He used to cook back when Mom was alive. To see him acting like that again was weird, but refreshing. I would've been happier if he had a look of happiness on his face. But he just had anxiety written in bold capital letters.

"Morning," I finally chirped.

He looked up and smiled at me. "Morning. Hungry? I made waffles."

"Smells great!" I beamed, taking a plate. "You don't work today?"

"Nope, not today." he smiled.

It was very awkward, but this was my chance to know my dad and possibly know more about my mom. She died when I was ten, so I don't exactly remember everything.

"So, what do you wanna do today?" He asked as we sat to eat.

I shrugged. "I don't know, we can just chill here."

"Okay. So how's school?" He asked.

I sighed. "It's fine."

"Good," he nodded. "Who was that Mason kid?"

"He's my boyfriend." I replied.

"We should have him over, so I can see what his intentions are. I would've asked at the hospital, but..." he trailed.

"Yeah..." I cleared my throat, picking at my food.

"Do you not like waffles anymore?" He asked, his forehead scrunching in worry.

"Yeah, of course I do!" I said, eating some to put him at ease.

We sat in silence for a moment, just eating, when he suddenly said, "The doctor requested you see a therapist."

"No." I laughed nervously.

"Amelia, you tried to kill yourself and you haven't told anyone why!"

"Because no one's asked."

We were both surprised at my response. I looked down and poked around my plate.

Mason came busting in through the front door and I looked at him surprised, my dad equally surprised.

"Mason, what—?"

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Do you always barge in here?" My dad spoke up.

"No, Dad." I answered for him. "Mason, what're you talking about?"

His face fell. "Crap. You didn't know."

"Didn't know what?" I questioned.

He pulled out his phone and pulled up a site. It was filled of pictures of me from years ago, along with secrets that I only ever told two people- Hunter and Lyla. Majority to just one.

Lyla knew more and she was mean enough to pull this.

But what hurt the most was a picture that she'd posted of me at my mom's funeral with the following caption:

Amelia lost her mom at ten. Tragic, yes, but doesn't that explain so much?! Ha ha, she watched her mom die from cancer. Also, her dad started to ignore her after her mom died, so no wonder she had no backbone. Hence, why she came to me and I made her awesome until she turned into a b!tch. Oh, well, at least we know why. Her parents suck and it's all her fault. Okay, okay. The cancer may not be her fault, but c'mon. You gotta be pretty disappointing to have your own dad turn on you.

I sunk into my chair and Mason caught his phone as I let it slip from my hand.

Half of what she had posted were things I had told her, because I'd felt that way at the time. She had always told me that I was being delusional and that my dad loved me. How could she turn on me so quickly when I did nothing to her?

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