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My weekend was pretty fun, probably the most fun I'd had in a while. Even through all the fun I'd had though, I couldn't stop thinking about Friday night.

I mean, Saturday was plenty of fun, even with all the work I had to do.

I had been super hung-over and had a ginormous headache, but work wasn't too bad.

The animal shelter is usually busier on the weekend, so we had lots of potential people come in to adopt some animals. A lot of animals got adopted- thirty one in total- and I felt really happy for them.

They were finally going to get the home that they deserved. At first I was kind of upset because the animals had grown on me, but once I saw how nice the families were I smiled and sent them off to have better lives.

I was seriously going to miss those guys. What? I've got a soft spot for animals.

After my shift at the animal shelter I headed over to Giant, where I was told I was on stacking duty with my coworker Devon.

We had immediately run over to the staff room, grabbed our Nerf guns from the staff room and headed to the toilet paper section.

We had an intense Nerf gun battle, popping in and out of different aisles, shooting the soft bullets at each other until Devon somehow fell into the ball pit stationed between the aisles.

We had an intense Nerf gun battle, popping in and out of different aisles, shooting the soft bullets at each other until Devon somehow fell into the ball pit stationed between the aisles

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So we had to stay after a bit longer to clean everything up. I'm pretty sure I skipped dinner Saturday and collapsed onto my bed, exhausted from a day's worth of work.

I was so glad that Ms. Arnold had picked Cassie up from her friend's house and already put her to sleep or she would've stayed at her friend's longer.

Sunday was also a great day because it was Ms. Arnold's birthday. Cassie and I had made Ms. Arnold breakfast in bed. She fell asleep at our house in the guest room, so we decided to surprise her with it.

We woke her and gave her a breakfast consisting of buttermilk pancakes, turkey bacon, cheesy scrambled eggs, and a small chocolate muffin with some orange juice.

Laughter and genuine happiness passed through us all as we ate, filling my half empty heart with contentment at seeing the person who was like a mother to me so happy.

Alas, the day wasn't over yet. After breakfast and everyone freshening up, we went downstairs and I told her about the reservation at Texas Roadhouse that we had at seven.

She listened, as she looked around the house, eyes lit up and moist.

The night before Cassie and I decorated the house with old pictures of Ms. Arnold and her family, lilies, and blue balloons.

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