4. Hunter

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Sorry for taking such a long time updating, I just...I dunno I didn't know what to write tbh.


After Amelia's dad got discharged from the hospital and was told her needed bed rest for about four months, I told Chelsea that this week I'd be spending a lot of time with Amelia and her dad, helping her take care of him.

She got a little mad at me because she felt as if I cared more for Amelia than her, but that wasn't the case.

Amelia's dad was like my dad. He always cared for me as if I was his own son. I felt obligated to help him somewhat, just as a sort of appreciation, as well as to help Amelia out. He told me to make sure she was healthy and eating like she was supposed to and I intended on doing so.

Chelsea came around and ended up stopping by a few times, but never for that long.

For some reason, she always found something else to do.

Eh, her schedule was pretty busy. Especially considering the fact that she had a huge family that always wanted to spend time together.

I didn't fully leave her be this week though; Amelia forced me out of the house sometimes, but I always made sure we were gone no longer than two to three hours.

Now though, Amelia, Chelsea and I were waiting for her grandparents to bring her dad back from his physical therapy session.

Within seconds of the thought, I heard their car pull into Amelia's driveway. I headed outside and took Tyler's left side while Dave took his right. We wrapped our arms tightly around him so that he wouldn't fall.

"Guys, I can walk fine!" Tyler protested.

Pfft yeah right!

We continued into the house, all the way to his bed, ignoring his false claims.

Mimi looked over him sadly and asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Mom, I'm fine. I'm just tired," he answered, his eyes droopy.

We nodded in unison and left the room quietly, shutting his door so he could get some rest.

Once we reached the living room, we sat down on the couch, none of us saying anything.

I mean, what exactly was there to say?

After a few moments of awkward silence, Mimi slapped her hands on her knees and announced that she would make us something to eat before scurrying into the kitchen.

Way to leave the awkward situation Mimi. I wish I could do that.

Grandpa shrugged and turned on the TV. Methinks it was just for some background noise. I glanced over at Amelia with an eyebrow raised, silently asking, "Now what?"

She gestured to the couch and said, "You and Chels just make yourself at home. I have to go do something."

She got up and walked out of the room, leaving Chelsea confused. I wasn't though. I knew what Amelia was going to do. I'd suspected that she'd do it all along.

I stood and told Chelsea I needed to use the bathroom. She said it was fine, she was leaving anyway.

With a shrug, I headed up to Amelia's bedroom.

Amelia's voice rang out.

"There's been a family emergency and it's pretty crucial that I'm here helping. I know I'm not guaranteed a spot for next semester or next year, but I unfortunately can't go to school this year."

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