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Once I was out of the hospital, I was so happy. Hospitals were always depressing. Except for when someone was having a baby, then it was okay. My dad was here when he could be and Mason was here, but Lyla came and went as she pleased.

Currently I was in school, enjoying my free period. I thought about how Hunter had visited and how I wished none of this would've happened. A part of me was saying that we weren't meant to be with each other because if he'd liked me for me, he wouldn't have waited until I changed.

I wasn't suggesting he did like me, but Mason was right. Hunter never gave me a second glance when high school started, and now since Lyla helped me change or changed me or whatever, he was seemingly everywhere.

Mason was a good guy though. He just didn't have any coping skills. That didn't give him an excuse to act like he'd hit me, but he just needed someone to help him. And I wanted to help him, if he'd let me. Since he didn't leave the hospital, that was a good possibility.

"There you are!" Lyla walked up to me.

"Hi," I greeted.

"So what's up?" She asked.

"Just getting my stuff for my next class." I shrugged.

"Look sorry about telling Mason everything. He asked." she shrugged.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I said.

"So Saturday night we're going to a party that Romeo is throwing and—"

"You are," I started, cutting her off. "I'm not."

She tilted her head. "What do you mean, you love parties?"

"No I don't, Lyla! Your precious little 'Mia' does, but I don't! I may not know who I am fully, but I'm not this person! I'm not the person who dismisses Hunter like he's trash. I'm not the slutty girl who shows her stomach to everyone in the school!" I snapped.

"You came to me, wanting to change." she retorted.

"No, no. I came to you to vent and try to gain confidence!" I stressed the word confidence.

"But you're better this way! This is who you're supposed to be! When I found you crying about Hunter, I thought 'okay, she'll be okay with a new attitude.' So I waited and when you came crying about him again, I took the shot. No one likes a crybaby." she said, rolling her eyes.

"I was fifteen, Lyla. Fifteen year old girls cry about boys!" I snapped. "You were never my real friend, were you? You were just someone that saw me as a makeover challenge?"

"Not like that—"

"Exactly like that. Don't talk to me anymore." I growled, walking away.

In science, I sat with Hunter so we could go over what else we had to do for our project.

"I had Mrs. Miller extend our due date to a month and a half since you were in the hospital." he said.

"You didn't have to do that, we're hard workers."

"I know, I just wanted to."

"Look, I'm sorry about everything," I started. "Things just spiraled so quickly and—"

He sighed. "It's fine. I just want you to be okay."

"I am. Are you?" I asked.

"Let's just work," he said, avoiding my question.

"Okay, I deserve that." I looked down.

Nothing else was said and I was starting to feel like going back into my bathtub again.

Since it was Friday— you lose track of days when you're in the hospital apparently—I was so happy when the final bell rang. I put the books I didn't need in my locker and the ones I did in my bag. My locker was shut and I looked to find Mason smiling.

"Hey," I tried to smile. "Haven't seen you all day."

"Cause I ditched," he extended his hand.

I took it, raising my eyebrow. "Why?"

"You'll see," he said with a wink.

He led me to his truck and we hopped in, him starting the truck.

"Mason, what's going on?" I laughed tiredly.

"Well, I figured since you've been having a rough time, I'd take you somewhere you'd be not so down." he said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Just enjoy the ride," he patted my shoulder and I laughed and shook my head.He drove us to Main Event and I laughed. "What are we doing here?"

"Come on," he said hopping out of the truck and opening my door.

We went inside and he led me to the laser tag.

"You're going down!" he chuckled.

"Hey, I'll have you know, I'm an excellent laser tag player!" I exclaimed with a chuckle, putting my vest on.

We watched the three minute video of the rules and we split up into the red and blue teams. I was on the red team, Mason on blue. There were at least ten people on each team and we ran around the room -well not ran, because that's against the rules— zapping each other and recharging our laser guns.

My vest vibrated, indicating I was shot, and I looked in the direction of where it came from and Mason and two other people were laughing. I pointed my gun at them and started zapping, them speed walking away, but not before I zapped Mason and his entourage a few times.

Once it was over, my team had won and we all put our vests up.

"I told you!" I chuckled as we walked out.

"You sure did," he chuckled.

"Hey," I grabbed his arm, pulling him to a stop. "Thank you. I needed this."

"I figured. Amelia, listen," he said, sitting me down on the bench outside Main Event. "I'm gonna try to give you everything you need. Whether that's my shoulder, my support... my kidney," we both chuckled at that, both of us knowing he was trying to make light of this. "I really do like you."

"I like you too." I beamed and held his hand.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked, referring to the night I tried to kill myself.

"No, that's okay. Thank you though." I replied. "Do you have anything you wanna talk about?"

He shook his head. "Nope. I do wanna kiss you though."

I laughed and he kissed me. It wasn't heated or anything. It was like two seconds, but they were two really sweet seconds.

"So what do I do to make your dad like me?" He asked.

"Be yourself," I shrugged. "I'm sure he likes you already, since you were there and everything."

"Let's hope." he said.

"Right now, let's go eat," I chuckled.

"Okay, let's go." he agreed, and we went to a nice restaurant to just enjoy ourselves.


Short and sweet ;)

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