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The weeks just keep getting better and better with each passing day! Note the dripping sarcasm oozing from that sentence. Let's recap!

Let's start off with the day we all have learned to hate- Monday!

I knew there was a reason for hating Mondays.

Renee decided she was the next person to get sick, so she stayed home from school. She sucks for that. I had to ride to school all by myself, stuck in my thoughts.

I would have turned on the radio, but all the stations were playing trash songs that I don't listen to and I forgot to grab my aux cord before leaving the house this morning.

Besides, sitting in my car without the radio on makes me think of the song Car Radio by Twenty One Pilots.

Upon reaching the school, I had already been sporting a major headache and the stupid gossipers of the school "whispering" to each other was getting on my nerves.

I almost wish I hadn't snatched Romeo's phone. Even though I felt hurt that Amelia didn't tell me all of the things she had told Lyla, I was more upset that I had read any of it at all.

Those were her secrets that she had probably never intended to tell me and I read them just like everyone else. I am a terrible friend and person aren't I?

Well, at least I got the chance to call up my good friend Gemini to hack into all of Lyla's social media accounts, take down all posts about Amelia, then delete her accounts.

He even created some software on his desktop computer that would disable Lyla from typing Amelia's name- if the name Amelia even showed up on her phone, she wouldn't be able to reply to the message.

The only catch is, it takes a while to have the software process and his laptop is under maintenance so he can only do it Friday, which is when his laptop should be back.

He'd use his desktop but he is currently running programs and software to update it and turn it into a super computer.

That dude is seriously awesome. One day he is going to take over the world. Seriously. He is basically the real Farkle from Girl Meets World. He wants world abomination and power. Even so, he is a softie at heart.

We promised to keep in touch with each other better so maybe we'll be hearing from Gemini again soon.

Anyway, Tuesday was kind of mundane. I had multiple tests and quizzes so most of the day was full of quiet classrooms and anxious students.

I barely even had time to think of anyone, especially anything involving Amelia. My brain was too occupied trying to remember the literary terms and quotes from the book I had to read for my Literature class.

I thought that the session at my house with Amelia would make me feel better because we seemed to be slowly but surely turning into our old selves, but I guessed wrong.

It was well...downright depressing.

Amelia was tapping again, no doubt thinking of her mother. Problem is, she wouldn't tell me anything. It made me upset to think that she would tell Lyla everything over me. But then I realized I was just being selfish.

The best part of the session was when I realized she still had what she had called her "special pink pen" when we were twelve. I still remember how her eyes lit up when I entered the house with the pen.

She basically worshipped the color pink and now many years later her favorite color is lavender.

Whatever the crap that even is. Why can't it just be pink? Or pinkish purple? It would make life so much easier.

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