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A few days later and it was Friday. Someone was having a party- Romeo, I think- and Mason, Lyla, and I were going. The whole school was going, as far as I knew. So that meant Hunter would be there too, but it wasn't like I cared, or was allowed to care.

Mason had been good to me this week. He was funny, still pretty closed off, but nice. In school, he had a front, but when it was just us, he took a load off, which made me feel special, in a way.

"Hey, you up?" Mason nudged me. "Yeah," I smiled at him. His friends liked me, which made me happy too. We were at lunch and I was doodling in my notebook and Lyla nudged me.

"Why's everyone nudging me?" I laughed.

"Because you need to be a part of the conversation." she chuckled.

Right. Old Amelia tuned out conversations. Amelia 2.0 kept conversations alive. 

"What're we talking about?" I asked. "The party." Lyla said.

"Oh yeah. It's gonna be so much fun!" I smiled and looked to Mason. "Sure is," he kissed my cheek and his friends hooted.

"Tonight gonna be the night for you two?" Romeo asked. "Cause if it is, don't let it be in my room."

"Oh, no, we're not-"

"It won't be." Mason said, cutting me off and answering for me.  Did he think we were doing it tonight?

The bell rang and we went to finish our school day.


After school, I went to Lyla's and we raided her closet to see what we'd be wearing. Lyla decided on some skinny jeans, a tight black crop top, and three inch black heels. Her makeup was done and her hair was waved out.

She chose my outfit to be similar to hers, but instead of a tight black crop top, it was pink, and my skinny jeans were a faded blue. I did my makeup and she touched up my straight hair. Once we were satisfied with our looks, we headed to the party.

"This is gonna be so good for you!" she squealed. "You too, you might meet someone." I said. "True, true." she chuckled and we pulled up to Romeo's house. There were already some people there, and last minute things were being set up.

Soon enough people flooded the house, the music got turned up, and bodies were grinding on each other, and people were laughing, dispersed throughout the house.

"Go mingle! Go find Mason!" Lyla said, already tipsy. I laughed and started walking around.

"There you are!" Mason smiled, opening his arms for a hug. I chuckled and hugged him back and he kissed my head. We hadn't had our first kiss yet. And our first kiss would be my real first kiss. Shocked? Yeah, I didn't think so.

"You havin' fun?" He asked me. "Yeah, are you?" I looked up at him.

"Even more fun now that you're here!" He chuckled and took my hands and we started dancing. I wasn't a bad dancer, but I wasn't good either. Mason did all the work and I just followed along.

He turned me so that my back was to him, He made me grind on him, which I didn't know if I liked or if I was even doing it right. Mason kept hooting and hollering, so I assumed so.

"You're tense, babe." Mason whispered in my ear. I tried to relax and Mason gripped my hips, so I would dance better. I did my best to let loose and I turned to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck and sliding them onto his chest.

"Am I doing better?" I asked him.

"Much." he chuckled, nodding while taking my hands and kissing my neck. I saw Hunter watching us and internally, I was mortified, but externally, I looked like I didn't care. This was what he wanted, right? This was what he got.

He walked away and Mason looked at me. "You wanna go somewhere private?" He asked.

"How about we just get some drinks." I said.

"Do you not wanna sleep with me?" He asked, sounding confused.

"Not tonight,"  And definitely not at a party.  "Too cliche, too trashy." I responded, making up reasons. 

"Okay," he said.

We continued to dance and Mason started to drink a bit more. He started to get handsy the more drunk he got. I kept stopping him and made a mental note to not allow him to drink. Especially this much.

"Hey," a bottle blonde walked up to me. "You're Amelia, right?" I nodded. She grabbed my arm and pulled me along until we reached to where Hunter was standing. He had a lot of beer cans and bottles surrounding him and he was mumbling something until he saw me.

"Amelia!" he slurred.

"What's up?" I looked to the blonde confused.

"He won't shut up about you." she pushed me to him. He caught me and held me. "Hey," he slurred.

"Okay, you're drunk, come with me," I got out of his arms and pulled him with me. I kicked out a couple from the bathroom and made him sit on the bathroom counter.

"What's going on, Hunter?" I asked, taking a red solo cup that was left in here, rinsed out the beer in it, and filled it with sink water.

"I don't like him, Amelia," he said, his voice oddly clearer.

"Who?" I asked, handing him the cup. He took a drink and looked at me.

"Mason. He's a pervert who's gonna hurt you." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I can take care of myself. I'm so glad you won't remember this tomorrow. Or actually, I hope you do  remember this tomorrow. That way you'll realize how stupid  you sound right now."

"He doesn't deserve you," he continued, not even listening to me. Since I knew he wouldn't remember, I responded with, "And you do?" His face fell and he hopped off the counter, pushing me against the wall in the process.

He set the cup down behind him and held my waist, his hands touching my bare skin. He looked at my lips and then my eyes and then back to my lips. "This isn't you. I know it."

"This is me, Hunter," I said, pushing him off lightly. He sighed and shook his head, now talking to himself, muttering, so I couldn't hear. I pulled him out of the bathroom and the blonde got him.

I went back to Mason and I found him and Lyla looking for me. "Where have you been?!" Lyla asked, worried.

"I had to make Hunter shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"Amelia! Hunter isn't your problem anymore!" Lyla reprimanded me.

"Let's talk." Mason dragged me to the backyard and I looked at him.

"Look, Lyla's told me a bit about you and Hunter. I'm not comfortable with you being around him. So if I see or hear that you two were talking to each other in any way, then we're over."

"Mason, he's not an ex or anything. Just a friend." I said.

"Well, you can't be friends with him anymore. You had feelings for him." he said.

"So? You've had feelings for other girls too, but I'm not restricting them from your contact list!" I snapped.

He sighed and walked away. When he did, I saw Hunter and this girl talking. She was saying something along the lines of "Try again when you're not drunk" or something. I wasn't 100% sure what she said, but that conversation had to be better than what I just had.


Written by: WritingMelody

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