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DISCLAIMER- Super unedited

Well my weekend was pretty eventful.

On Saturday I decided to take a shift at the animal center to get my mind off of Amelia.

Fortunately it wasn't that hard. Cassie insisted on going with me to see all the animals the shelter had, but I told her no, causing her to pout and run to her room.

Or so I thought.

Sighing, I said goodbye to Ms. Arnold and headed out to my car.

Hopping into the front seat and throwing a bag of chips into the passenger seat, I started the car and turned on the radio.

As soon as I pulled out of the driveway, a soft thump was heard from the inside of my trunk.

"What the heck was that?" I murmured to myself, stopping the car. I climbed out of the car and opened the trunk, gasping in horror when I saw my baby sister lying in an awfully uncomfortable position.


She slowly peeped open her right eye, then quickly shut it.


"Cassie get out of there right now!"

She flinched at my clipped tone and slowly lowered herself out of the trunk, staring down at her shoes when she was standing.

"Cassidy Arianna Morris what on earth were you thinking?! I could've seriously hurt you had I not noticed you were in the trunk! You could've suffocated or become unconscious or-"

Cassie's trembling lip stopped me from continuing my rant. Tears threatened to spill from her huge, chestnut brown eyes, making my anger dissolve instantly.

Running a hand through my hair, I sighed and bent down to her eye level.

"Look Cassie, I'm not angry. I was just scared. You could've gotten seriously hurt in there. What would you have done if I hadn't noticed you were in the trunk and you were stuck in there for hours?"

She didn't respond, but a muffled sniffle could be heard. Raising my hand, I cupped her chin and slowly raised it for her to look me in the eye.

"I'll let you come with me, but only if you promise to never do that again. You could've gotten seriously hurt and Ms. Arnold would think you'd gone missing. It would be quite a scare."

Staring into my eyes, she nodded, wiping her tears away from her face. I shot her a halfhearted smile and stood up, opening the right hand side backdoor for her to go into the backseat.

I never allowed her to ride in the front. It's way safer for kids to ride in the backseat.

Besides, she was still too short to not sit in a car seat. I watched as she expertly buckled herself into her car seat and turned to face me, giving me a goofy smile and two thumbs up.

Chuckling at her antics, I started the car again and headed to the animal shelter.

Chuckling at her antics, I started the car again and headed to the animal shelter

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