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Being alone sucks. Plain and simple, it just sucks. It's one thing when you're so used to being around people all the time and you need some you time. But when you're constantly alone, it really, really sucks. 

My dad was supposed to be coming home this Friday. Hopefully he would. My weekend was very uneventful. Mason had kept trying to call, but I just kept ignoring. He cheated on me and I didn't wanna talk to him. 

I knew he didn't sleep with Lyla, but when you're with someone —kissing, sex— other than your boyfriend/girlfriend, that's cheating. I didn't have much worth for myself, but I had enough to not be treated like that. 

Surely I deserved better...right? 


I went to school Monday and headed straight to my locker. I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes when I saw Mason standing there. 

I sighed. 

"What do you want, Mason?" I asked, moving him aside so I could get my books. 

"Can we talk? Please, Amelia, I know I messed up and I'm sorry. Let me take you out tonight," he begged. 

"Can't tonight." I shut my locker. 


"Why not?"

"I've got stuff to do," I snapped. 

"I could go with you." he offered hopefully. 

"No you can't." I said shortly, brushing past him. 

He caught my arm and I gave him a warning look. 

"Amelia, do you even want to work on us?"

"Of course I do, but I can't change what you did. I deserve better," I snapped. 

He let me go just as the bell rang and I went about my day. 

School was seriously so boring, y'all don't even wanna hear about it. Lyla wasn't there, so really nothing happened. 

Let's just skip to where I was at the moment. 

Dumb therapy. This isn't a tear down at people who attend therapy or are therapists. I just didn't see the point in it. Talking to a complete stranger about a past event? It happened. It's over. What's there to talk about? 

As I walked into Dr. Coleman's office, she smiled warmly at me. 

"Hey, how are you? Didn't expect to see you back this week."

"I promised my dad I'd come. I keep my promises," I said, sitting in the chair across from her. 

"So are we sitting in silence again this hour?" She asked. 

I sighed. "We can. I don't care."

"Well, I do wanna know more about you, so," she gestured for me to speak. "Whenever you're ready."

"Let's see..." I looked up at the ceiling with my eyes. 

"Um... I'm boring," I looked back at her and began listing adjectives off of my fingers. "I'm disposable, expendable... Oh, my favorite color is lavender, I'm seventeen, and... yeah."

"Alright." She settled in more comfortably in her chair, crossed her legs and leaned forward. 

"How's your family? You didn't mention them. I know there's your dad, but who else?" 

"My mom died when I was ten. It's just me and my dad now." I explained. 

"Oh, I'm sorry." Her lips turned down slightly and her face held sympathy. "May I ask how?" 

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