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Monday afternoon, I was sitting in my science class. My weekend was pretty boring. Mason and I were still in our "fight," so we didn't hang out. Lyla wasn't "mad," but she was just trying to help. Right?

A week of Amelia 2.0 and I wasn't sure how much more miserable I could feel on the inside.

"Okay class, go find your partner!" She clapped.

Oh, crap! I hadn't been listening! 

I looked at the guide she'd given us about the project and it looked like math. Even though it wasn't, both subjects were gibberish to me. I was better at English and history.

I walked around and tried to find a partner, consistently getting shot down. Even with my new look and new attitude, people didn't want to give me a chance. Maybe because they knew this wasn't who I was. Or they hated me for too long anyhow.

"Hey," Hunter came up to me.

I sighed. "Not now, Hunter, I'm trying to find a partner for this stupid project."

"Everyone is paired off. It's just us. You okay with that?" He asked.

I sighed. "How do you not have a partner?"

"Because I knew you wouldn't have one. It's how it is usually," he said.

"So you're my pity partner," I clarified. "Great. Thanks. Looks like I don't have a choice anyway. Okay, so here's what will happen. Tuesday's we work at your house, Thursday's at mine. Work for you?"

He took a minute to absorb my assertiveness and slowly nodded.

The bell rang and I grabbed my bag, throwing it over my shoulder. "Great, see you tomorrow then."

I walked out and Mason and Lyla walked up to me. "Hey."

"Hey, so I need to tell you something," I started. "I have this stupid project in science and we have to partner up for it— and before you freak, just know I asked everyone and they said no— and Hunter is my partner."

He sighed and shook his head. "Alright, fine. Since it's school and you got shot down, it's fine, but it's purely work."

"Only you," Lyla rolled her eyes.

"Obviously," I said, ignoring her comment. "Tuesday's we work at his house, Thursday's at mine."

"Why not just at your house?" He asked.

"Because, his house is bigger than mine, and me and my dad don't get along. So the more I'm out of his way, the better," I said.

"We haven't really talked about our families have we?" He asked.

"You did say your dad worked in the plants," I said.

"Mia, I love you, but really? Just so happens Hunter is your partner for this thing?" She asked.

"Sorry I'm not popular and no one wants to be my friend," I snapped.

"The whole point of this new you is to be away from him!" She said.

I rolled my eyes and the bell rang and we went about our day, Mason and I not being able to really get to know each other.


I stayed the night at Lyla's house- I literally walked into my house after school and this was what happened.


I walked in, exhausted of the day. Lyla was pretty understanding but upset about the Hunter thing. I swear her and Mason should just be together. Suddenly, my dad looked up and I looked at him.

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