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Song of chapter: Devvon Terrell & Futuristic - Love Yourself (Justin Bieber)

Today is Friday, the day before the weekend. Today is Friday, the day before the Saturday in which I will take more hours in my jobs and distract myself from everything going on in my life.

The day I have to really rest up so that I have enough energy to take Cassie and Ms. Arnold out to on Sunday to celebrate Ms. Arnold's birthday.

It's going to be hard to renew my energy because all throughout this week I felt like a piece of my heart shattered every day.

Every time I saw Amelia, she was with Mason and Lyla, looking happier than I had ever seen her.

As much as it killed me to see her with him, I didn't intervene. I hadn't even tried to talk to her all week and any time we made accidental eye contact I would look away immediately.

I even stopped going by her locker and went the other way to get to my classes since my locker was on the other side of the school anyway.

Seeing them together made me feel like throwing up whenever he'd wait for her after the classes we shared together. Unfortunately, that was basically all of my classes.

I wasn't acting like my usual self and everyone was beginning to notice.

My eyes had bags underneath of them, I couldn't seem to keep my eyes open in my classes, and I was quieter than usual.

I started staying over at Renee's more either because I was too tired to drive home or because her house was closer to my jobs then my house is.

Plus, I have lots of clothes already at her house.

She noticed earlier this week how tired and upset I was and has been basically spoon-feeding me all week because I had been too tired to eat on various occasions.

Ms. Arnold noticed but she didn't say anything about it. I think she just thinks it's a lack of sleep since I've been working more hours and got home later than usual this entire week.

Cassie, who is usually oblivious to everything, noticed too. She refrained from asking me to play every second that I spent at the house. I started to feel bad so I told her I was fine and we could play, but that was a bad idea.

Messing with her, keeping my grades up, working, and exercising and training so I can make the track team is really wearing me out.

Even the girls that wanted to hook up with me clung to me all week, trying to figure out what was wrong and trying to seduce me to make me feel better. Honestly, it was getting annoying.

I didn't even like them with their faces caked with makeup, bras stuffed with tissue paper, crazy tall heels- all of them hiding their natural beauty.

That's why I like Amelia. She comes to school with no makeup on, brave enough to show her true self- and that's when she looks her greatest.

Her curly dark brown hair so soft and plush, that fell down past her shoulders, framing her face, her mesmerizing hazel eyes that held so much emotion...

But now she was... different. She acted different, looked different, talked different- no doubt the work of her friend Lyla.

She wasn't the same sweet Amelia I'd grown to love. It was almost as if this was her twin or some version of her from another dimension.

I miss our talks, even though I never contributed to them much. Just hearing her voice was enough for me...

I need to stop thinking about her. I shook my head and tuned back into what Romeo was saying.

Accidentally Hurting You✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن