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Amelia finally fell asleep and I sighed.

"You gave me a real scare there Melia. I thought... I thought I really lost you. Forever."

My voice cracked at the end and I took a deep breath in an effort to keep myself from sobbing.

"Gosh Amelia you are never alone! I'm sorry that I made you feel that way. I am always here for you, no matter how much you want me to leave you alone, I am here."

Pulling her closer and resting my chin on her shoulder, I sighed.

I already knew I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep and staying here would make things even worse between her and Mason. Knowing her, she isn't going to break up with him- it's just how she is.

The real Amelia- the one I've grown to love.


I had just left Romeo and Odyssey by the lockers, who had been asking me over and over why I hadn't beat Mason to a pulp, and I was walking down the hall towards my next class, when I saw Lyla speaking animatedly to Mason, looking very upset as she frantically waved her arms all over the place.

I would have laughed at her crazed chicken state if I hadn't heard her say Amelia.

It was as if the whole world stopped, leaving me standing in the middle of the hall like a deer in headlights. Like Simba right before the stampede came and he started to run.

A second later they rushed down the hall and right out of the school doors.

Concerned for Amelia, I hastily followed them, uncaring of the consequences for being late to my next class.

When I reached the school's parking lot, Lyla's car was already pulling out and disappearing in the direction of the hospital.

So it is something serious. I thought. It wasn't just some hoax by Lyla to get Amelia and Mason to go meet somewhere.

But Amelia had still been at school, right? 

No, I shook my head. She has my lunch period, I would've seen her there.

Thinking back to when Mason almost punched Amelia, I felt a sickening feeling in my stomach and it seemed as if my whole world was going to come crashing down on me.

Please be okay Amelia, I prayed.

Rushing back into the school, I ran to Ms. Shelley's office and told her to write me a pass, to which she hastily agreed upon seeing my upset state.

I promised to inform her of everything later and thanked her, rushing out of the school despite having an AP physics test next period.


As I rushed to the hospital, thanking God that I had decided to drive to school today, a million thoughts whizzed through my head.

Is she okay? Of course she's okay, she has to be! What happened? Will I be able to visit her? How come Lyla was called and not me? Has her dad forgotten me? Does he not like me?

"Well," I mumbled to myself.

"I don't like me so why should he?"

About five minutes later, I pulled into the hospital's parking lot and quickly got out of my car, taking deep breaths to calm my nerves.

Pushing the hospital doors open I scurried up to the receptionist's desk and asked, "Is an Amelia Jackson here? She just checked in here and-"

I was cut off by a too familiar feminine voice.

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