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As Hunter rested in my arms, I petted his hair. Zori had to go to the animal shelter and I told her that it was fine, that he'd understand. As nice as she was, I was completely out of tune, because my favorite little girl was lying in a hospital bed because she couldn't be around bees.

She was only eight! She had to be okay. So I didn't wake up Hunter, but I silently prayed for her to be okay. I kept my tears on the inside and just had faith that she'd be fine.

"Hey," Ms. Arnold said, sitting in a chair across from us.

We were sitting in the waiting room, waiting for Cassie's status.

"Hey. Thanks for calling me." I smiled softly.

She laughed lightly.

"Well, he's more himself with you and we do miss you around here."

"I miss y'all too."

A doctor came up to us, clipboard in hand.

"Family of Cassidy Morris?"

We looked at him with hopeful eyes. He basically proceeded to tell us that Cassie was gonna be fine and they were gonna send her home with an EpiPen.

The only other thing was that she'd should go and see an allergist to see if she would need immunotherapy, which basically means allergy shots.

"She's resting right now, but I'll let you know when you can see her," he said, walking away.

I gestured to Hunter and said, "We should've woken him up, huh?"

Ms. Arnold shook her head. "Had it been bad news, then yes, but good news... he can find out once he's rested. He's been pretty drained lately."

"Yeah," I sighed. "Sorry about that."

She shot me a confused glance. "What do you mean?"

"My life rarely slows down and when he became my science partner he started draining quickly. Once this stupid project is done then he'll go back to his normal self." I explained.

"Amelia," She took one of my hands. "You don't need to beat yourself up. Life happens. He's also been at the animal shelter, but it's not their fault he's tired. Sure he's had a lot on his plate, but it's no one's fault. It's called growing up."

"Yeah," I sighed. "But he'd be much better with me out of his life."

"He is always his happiest with you and Cassie. I don't care what either one of you says. I'm still routing for it!" she declared with a laugh, leaning back in her chair.

My jaw dropped and I laughed.

What? I voiced my thoughts.

"Oh, come on," she kicked me lightly. "You cannot sit there and tell me that you don't like him."

"I have a boyfriend." I stated, avoiding the challenge.

"So?" She retorted bluntly. "You can like someone while being with someone else."

I chuckled. "You're awful,"

"Yeah, awful-ly gorgeous! Besides, you love me." she exclaimed with an over exaggerated hair flip.

I threw my head back and laughed. "Yes, I do."

A nurse cut our laughing fit short. "You can see her now."

We nodded and I turned to Ms. Arnold.

"You go, I'll wake him up so he can see her."

She nodded and followed the nurse to Cassie's room.

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