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The next day, I just laid low. Lyla was there, but the cyberbullying stopped for the most part. She still posted stuff about me on Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, but still. Sounds bad, but...

Okay, I don't know how to make it sound better, so let's skip to Mason.

He was still so convinced that I had feelings for Hunter still. I didn't though!

At least, I didn't exactly ever think about them once I got with Mason. Maybe they were just locked in a box or something, but obviously Hunter didn't like me like that and I already knew how it felt to like him and have him not like me back.

Not doing that again. 

Today was Tuesday, so project time at Hunter's house. At this point, I was kind of used to it. It was a nice, steady routine. I almost didn't want it to end. I was also starting to really learn stuff in my science class. 

I walked into his house and noticed that it was just me and Hunter. Lord knows we'd never get anything done if Cassie were here. 

"Hey, so I got the supplies for the 3D model," I said, setting them on his kitchen table. 

"Oh, right," he mumbled. "I somehow forgot about that part."

"Good thing I have an excellent memory." I joked. 

"Clay?" He questioned, picking the packaging up. 

I shrugged. "Well I obviously got a variety, but we hadn't exactly talked about it." 

Suddenly he went into full blown laughter. While I loved hearing his laugh, I was confused. 

I chuckled. 

"What are you laughing at?" 

"Okay," he breathed. "I realize we didn't talk about it but..." He had to hold back his laughter as he picked up some blue play dough. "Play dough?"

"That's not for the project, goofball!"

I snatched it from him.

"What's it for? Your arts and crafts for when you're home in your room?" He teased. I playfully smacked him on the back of his head with the play dough and put it in my bag.

"No, smart aleck. It's for Cassie, when I come over more. That's why there's some more colors in some of these bags." I gestured around.

"That was so funny." he breathed. "Hysterical." I grumbled sarcastically, but it was kind of funny.

"So," I sat down. "How do we make a hurricane?"

"Well clay might actually work the best." he mused. "Okay, let's get to work then!" I chirped, getting some out and beginning to shape it. 

"Hey, I wanna talk to you about something." Hunter suddenly announced. 

"What about?" I asked, not looking up from the gray clay. "

Remember Chelsea?" 

Still not looking up, I nodded. "The one from the hospital?" 

"Can you please look at me?" He half chuckled and half sighed. 

I looked up at him, my face unchanging. 

With a small nod, he continued.

"I'm thinking of asking her out. I think I like her."

Mentally, for whatever reason, I didn't like the idea. Maybe I wasn't expecting it? I let no emotion show on my face as I just nodded.

"Good for you. Go for it."

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