Chapter 3: The punishment

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Pain throbbed throughout my body as I looked at Bubble, who was bleeding and crying. I picked up my pokemon, then took her to a pokemon center.

When I got home, Mom began to smile at me in greeting, but then she noticed Bubble in my arms. "Millie, where did you get that?!" She snapped as she stepped back. "Pokemon are dangerous...get that thing out of the house NOW!!!" I didn't move. I wasn't going to release Bubble anytime soon. "No, Mom," I refused, "I caught this Popplio." "Very funny. You don't have any pokeballs!" "I bought some last night!" "Prove it." "Fine." I opened my backpack and showed her five round, shiny pokeballs. Mom took one look at them and shed a single tear. Her face turned to the colour of snow, and fear started to fill her blue eyes.
"Don't you understand, Millie?!" Mom shouted, her eyes filling with tears. "Pokemon are dangerous creatures!" "Not all of them!" "Yes, all of them! Why do you think I don't have a pokemon?" "Mom, listen!" "No, Millie, you listen. That Popplio will hurt you if you grow too close to it. Release it now and go to your room!" Not wanting to hear any more bullcrap from Mom, I put Bubble in her pokeball, ran to my room and slammed the door.
"DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT I'M ACTUALLY BEING BULLIED FOR NOT HAVING A POKEMON?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I didn't want to go to school anymore if it meant I was going to be picked on. I wanted to make memories, not go to school and be bullied. I wanted a chance to explore the Alola region with Bubble, not stay at home all day and only leave to go to school. Just then, that gave me an idea.

I wanted to do the island challenge.

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