Chapter 15: Millie and Yvonnes second battle

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That afternoon, I decided to walk through some tall grass to try and find a wild pokemon to fight. Bubble was out of her pokeball, ready to fight whatever was coming for her.
Just then, something jumped out of the grass, startling Bubble and I. I thought it was a pokemon, but it turned out to be a girl who looked my age. Yvonne! I realized.
"Hey, Millie!" She greeted. "How's it going? I just finished my trial with Kiawe, and I came here to do a bit more training before heading over to the next trial!" "Hey, no fair!" I teased happily. "I just finished my trial with Lana." "Oh, that just gave me an idea!" "What's your idea?" "I want to have a battle with you! Please, Millie?" "Well, my pokemon do need a break, so maybe some other-" "If you were a true friend, you would battle me!" Yvonne then crossed her arms and made a pouty face, which made me giggle a little. "Okay, okay," I agreed.
"Pyukumuku, go!" Out of Yvonne's pokeball came a small black pokemon with pink spikes. It had small white eyes and a short, poofy tail. "Pyukumuku's a water type," Yvonne explained, "and you have two pokemon on your team who are both water types. Your pokemon will barely scratch my little guy! ...Or...I mean...girl. Pyukumuku's a female." "Actually, I have four pokemon now," I corrected, "and one in particular has a type advantage! Sparky, I choose you!" Sparky instantly jumped out of his pokeball. "Lux, luxio!" Yvonne's eyes widened.
"A Luxio?!" She asked, shocked at my non-native pokemon. "Where on Arceus' green earth did you find that?!" "Paniola Ranch," I replied. "I found him as a Shinx. He was abandoned by his previous trainer, so he earned my trust and decided to come with me. I guess the trainer who abandoned him lived in Sinnoh, since Shinx and Luxio can only be found in Sinnoh." As I spoke, I saw Sparky licking his paw. He then looked at me impatiently, wanting to start the battle.
"Enough from me," I spoke, changing the subject, "let's start this. Sparky, use thunder fang!" "Pyukumuku, toxic!" A spurt of purple stuff shot out of Pyukumukus mouth and hit Sparky on the forehead. He stopped, threw up, then proceeded to use thunder fang as I figured out Sparky had been poisoned. Pyukumuku shot backwards due to the impact of the attack, then slammed into Yvonne's chest. But Pyukumuku got up, ready for more.
"Now, Pyukumuku, use attract!" Pyukumuku went forward and winked at Sparky. A pink heart thing came out and went into Sparkys forehead. His determination dissapeared, and he staggered over to Pyukumuku, lovestruck. "C'mon, Sparky!" I encouraged. "Snap out of it and use spark!" But Sparky didn't listen. He shook his butt in Pyukumukus face for some reason, leaving me wondering what kind of sick move attract was. Wait a sec! Pyukumuku is a girl, I realized, and Sparky is a boy. If I send in a female pokemon, attract won't do anything!
I pulled out Sparkys pokeball, ready to see if my prediction was true. "Sparky, good job. Return!" I then pulled out Rackys pokeball and threw it in the air. "Dewpi!" Racky shouted, ready to face Pyukumuku.
"Racky, infestation!" "Pyukumuku, use counter!" The two pokemon started to use their attacks, but they stopped when the four of us heard a voice cry for help. I looked around, then spotted a young boy crying. Two men with sky blue hair dressed in black were teasing him. One of the men was holding a pokemon I didn't recognize.

"Give my pokemon back!!!" The boy screeched.

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