Chapter 43: The final kahuna, part two

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"Alright, Flygon, lets do this. Start it with dragon breath!" "Racky, crunch!" Racky tried to use the move, but Flygon dodged and breathed this weird blue stuff onto Racky. I kind of envied Hapu for having a pokemon that both looked cool and seemed strong.
Flygon continued to fly in the air as Racky tried to use crunch. Since using crunch didn't work, I decided to try something different.
"Okay, Racky, use bubble beam!" "Flygon, dragon breath again!" Racky began to fire bubble beam, glowing bubbles coming out of her mouth fast, as if she were a living machine gun. She gave Flygon a taste of its own medicine by dodging dragon breath, but Flygon continued to fly around.
After a few seconds, Flygon accidentally made a stupid move and got hit by one of Rackys bubbles, making it fall to the ground. "Now's your chance! Quick, Racky, use crunch!" "Flygon, dodge it!" Racky was the slowest out of all my pokemon, but she was quick enough to land a good crunch on Flygon.

"Okay, Flygon, now use earth power!" "Racky, bug bite!" As I watched Racky and Flygon use their moves, I wished Gabe hadn't fainted; since both him and Flygon were dragon types, Gabe would have been able to cream Flygon.
"Flygon, dragon breath!" "Now, Racky, crunch!" Racky threw itself at Flygon, then pinned it down and used crunch. Flygon kicked Racky off, then fired dragon breath. Racky looked weak now, but so did Flygon.
"Racky, lets finish this. Bubble beam!" "Flygon, dragon breath, one more time!" Racky and Flygon gathered up their remaining strength, but Racky used her move first. Huge bubbles slammed into Flygons gut, sending it backwards. The impact of the bubbles caused Flygon to use dragon breath, which missed Racky, and spit out a bit of blood and saliva. Flygon landed on its back, barely missing the water when it landed. Hapu only has one pokemon left, I realized as I saw her return Flygon. I'm guessing her last pokemon is her Mudsdale?
I was right. Hapu sent out Mudsdale, and, remembering how much damage Racky received from Flygon, I returned her and sent out Bubble.
Remembering that Mudsdale was a ground type pokemon, I decided to use the same strategy as I did with Gabe for Dugtrio. "You can do this, Millie!" Lillie encouraged. "Don't lose hope now!" I looked at her with determination and nodded, ready to take down Hapu once and for all.
"Bubble, this is Hapus last pokemon. Use aqua jet, and try to knock Mudsdale into the water!" "Mudsdale, counter!" Bubble, cloaked in water, swam up to Mudsdale and slammed into it. Despite how much damage Bubble dealt, she barely made a dent when she tried to push Mudsdale, who knocked her away with counter. "Now, Mudsdale, use double kick!" "Bubble, sing!" Just as Mudsdale began to stomp over to Bubble, the Primarina stood up and began to sing a beautiful melody, putting Mudsdale to sleep, and even causing me to feel a little drowsy.
"Okay, Bubble, we're on a roll so far. Sparkling aria!" Bubble sang softly, causing her to summon a huge water bubble above her head. She threw it at Mudsdale, who got sent backwards from the impact of the attack. It was now at the edge of the dock. Just stay asleep, I prayed.
Unfortunately, though, Mudsdale woke up after Hapu gave it an awakening. Hapu then began to make a pose, and with horror, I realized that she was preparing to use a Z move. No, no, no! I cursed. Not now! Not now, dammit! Her and Mudsdale began to glow with Z-power. "Mudsdale!" Hapu shouted. "Tectonic rage!" Mudsdale, still glowing with Z-power, threw itself at Bubble, causing her to slam into the huge tree in the center of Seafolk village.
"THAT'S tectonic rage?" I asked, raising one of my eyebrows in confusion. "No offense, but I kind of thought it would be more interesting." "Normally, Mudsdale would burrow into th' ground, then slam into your Primarina," Hapu explained, "but since we're battling on th' docks, Mudsdale can't dig. But 'nuff about that. Mudsdale, earthquake!" "Bubble, use aqua jet!" As the ground began to shake, Bubble used the move, trying to knock Mudsdale into the water.
Dang, I thought. Bubble can only move Mudsdale a couple of centimeters.
As I watched Mudsdale use double kick on Bubble, I desperately wondered what to do, until I got an idea. I would do something I had been meaning to do for a while, but never remembered to do:

Use a Z move.

As I tried to remember what the water type pose was, I put my Waterium Z onto my Z-ring. When I remembered what the pose was, I got ready.
"Bubble!" I called. "We're going to use a Z-move!" Bubbles eyes lit up with excitement. I was sure she had wanted to use a Z-move for a while, as well. As I made the pose, Bubble and I both began glowing with Z-power.
"Alright, Bubble!" I shouted, ready to use the Z-move. "HYDRO VORTEX!" Bubble summoned a huge wave of water. I mimiced her movements so that I could be in as much synchronization with her as possible. The wave swallowed up Mudsdale, then created a huge whirlpool. As the whirlpool dealt damage to Mudsdale, Bubble swam over and slammed into Hapus pokemon, finally defeating it and ending the Z-move. After Hapu returned Mudsdale, Bubble happily went up and hugged me, standing on her tail.
"I gotta say, you're quite the strong one," Hapu complimented after healing my pokemon. "You and your Primarina." Bubble, who was still out of her pokeball, looked down and blushed. "Prima."
"Here, I wanted t'give you this," Hapu told me as she held out her hand and opened it to reveal two Z-crystals. "Two?" I asked. "I thought I was only supposed to get one?" "One is the groundium Z," Hapu explained, "the other one is a Primarinium Z. With the Primarinium Z, you can use your Primarinas sparkling aria t'use an exclusive Z-move. Don't try using it with other pokemon, though; it only works with a Primarina." "Whoa, cool!" I replied happily as I took the Z-crystals. "Thanks, Hapu!" "No problem. Now, are you two folks ready t'go to Exeggutor island, or what?" "Yes," Lillie agreed. "Let's go."

With that, Lillie, Hapu and I sailed on our way to Exeggutor island.

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