Chapter 44: The two flutes

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After about half an hour, we arrived on Exeggutor island. Hence the name, the island was filled with Exeggutor.
Hapu looked at them with confusion. "That's funny," she mumbled. "Why're they all shakin' around like that?" I walked up to try and calm one of the Exeggutor, but that was a bad idea. It knocked me away with its tail, then continued to shake vigorously.
"They're shaking because there are Pinsir feeding off of them!" Lillie exclaimed. I went up to the same Exeggutor that knocked me away and looked on its knee. Lillie was right; there was a small Pinsir feeding off of it. I took Rotom out of my backpack and had it scan the Pinsir.
"Pinsir," Rotom spoke, "the stag beetle pokemon. One solid blow from its horns is strong enough to break apart a large tree. Although Pinsir is a powerful pokemon, it has an extremely hard time dealing with the cold." "In that case, it's time to send out Sparky," I spoke as I threw his pokeball into the air. "Now, Sparky, come on out and use ice fang!" With that, Sparky came out of his pokeball and used the move, instantly defeating Pinsir. "Luxraaay!"

Hapu, Mudsdale, Sparky, Bubble and I battled the pinsir for a few more minutes until finally, all of them were gone. The Exeggutor thanked us by dancing around a little, then showing us which way the sun flute and moon flute were. Us three girls saw them on a pedastal on top of a hill, so we went up to get them.

As I picked up the sun flute, I suddenly felt a huge rush of determination and power. The power of hope. The power of life. The power of the bright, burning sun. At the same time, though, I also felt a huge rush of fear. What would become of Lillie and Gladion if we couldn't save Lusamine or Nebby?

I saw Lillie pick up the moon flute, probably feeling the same way. She then turned around and looked at Hapu. "Thanks for taking us here," she thanked as she put the moon flute in her backpack. After I did the same with the sun flute, we returned our pokemon to their pokeballs, then left the island.

I looked at Lillie when we sat on the boat later on, sailing back to Poni Island. We can't lose hope now, I thought. We're both really close to achieving our goals. At this point, we need to try hard and do everything we can to save Lusamine. There's no turning back now.

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