Chapter 49: The song of the Sunne

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When Yvonne, Lillie and I stepped outside and in front of the Altar of the Sunne, we saw that it was night. Already? I wondered.
There was a huge flight of stairs in front of us, so we began to walk up.

When we finally got to the top of the altar, Lillie took a sleeping bag out of her backpack. "Lillie, what are you doing?!" Yvonne protested. "Whatever happened to summoning the legendary pokemon?" "I-I think it's best to wait until the sun comes up," Lillie explained. "Besides, we should get some rest." Yvonne didn't reply, but instead took out a sleeping bag as well. I did the same, then took off my hat.
Just then, I remembered the Garchompite. Since Gabe had evolved into a Garchomp, I was finally able to make him mega evolve.
I sent Gabe out of his pokeball, gave him a choker to wear, put the Garchompite on it, then returned him. I then took the key stone and tied it onto a piece of string to wear as a necklace.
The three of us then crawled into the warm sleeping bags and fell asleep.

The next day, I woke up at the crack of dawn and rubbed my eyes; it felt like I was only asleep for a couple of seconds. I looked up and saw that Lillie and Yvonne were already up, even though it was six in the morning and still kind of dark outside.
"Isn't it kind of early to summon the legendary pokemon?" I yawned sleepily. "No," Lillie denied. "Right now is actually perfect. The sun is about to come up, so get up and eat something. In case mother wants to battle you, you don't want to battle on an empty stomach." I got out of my sleeping bag, scarfed down an apple I had in my backpack, then put my hat on.

A few minutes later, the sun began to rise, so Lillie went to the left side of the altar, and I went to the right. Yvonne sat on a ledge, watching us.
Lillie pulled out the moon flute, so I did the same with the sun flute. Whoa...I thought. It's like the notes I have to play are coming right into my head. Lillie nodded at me, giving me a cue that she was ready.

I put my lips on the mouthpiece of the sun flute, then began to play. I didn't know how to play the flute, but somehow, my fingers moved in a way that got all the correct notes.
Suddenly, the water below us began to glow a brilliant pink, blue, and purple. Lillie, Yvonne and I watched as the waters light moved towards the center of the altar and up the large structure in front of us. The light changed to a yellow, orange and green colour, and the center of the structure opened up and created a huge beam of light. The beam shone onto the center of the altar, creating a huge aura of light.
Just then, I saw Lillies pink backpack begin to shake. It floated to the center of the altar, and, to my surprise, Nebby came out and began to absorb some of the light.

After a moment, Nebby turned into an explosion of light, which forced Lillie, Yvonne and I to cover our eyes.
When I saw Nebby again, I gasped and widened my eyes. Nebby was no longer a comatose ball of stars. It was a white, majestic lion pokemon, with a star structure around its head.
Dropping my jaw, I realized that Nebby had evolved into Solgaleo, the legendary pokemon. It let out a huge roar, then sniffed Lillie.
"Nebby!" Lillie cried happily as tears fell from her eyes. "I had gathered as much information about you as I could, but, out of all the books I read, none of them had a single hint that you would evolve into Solgaleo!" Nebby bent down, letting Lillie hug it by placing her hands on its cheeks. It then turned its head to me, allowing me to hug it, as well. Just then, Yvonne ran up and joined the hug.
"Nebby..." I whispered, "I'm so glad you're okay..." After we released the hug, Nebby began to let out a low purr.
"Nebby," Lillie began determinedly. "No...Solgaleo. We need your help. My mother needs to be saved!"
Nebby stepped back and let out another loud roar, opening an ultra wormhole. It then crouched down, allowing us three girls to climb onto its back. Once all three of us were on, Nebby leapt into the ultra wormhole. As I saw the dimensions begin to distort as Nebby ran, I heard Lunalas voice in my head.

Good luck.

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