Chapter 30: Cute but powerful

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"Toge, togedemaru!" Totem Togedemaru looked up at me, ready for battle.

"Bubble, I choose you!" I threw Bubbles pokeball, but just as she came out, I realized I had made a huge mistake. Bubble was a water type, so Togedemaru could easily beat her. But at the same time, I thought, Bubble did learn two new moves. One of them is a water type move, and Togedemaru is also a steel type pokemon. So lets try the moves and see how they work. Hopefully Bubble won't get defeated too easily.
"Okay, Bubble, use aqua jet!" "Prima!" Bubble, coated in water, charged forward. She was about to hit Togedemaru until she was blocked by a huge green ball of spikes that covered the totem pokemon; Togedemaru had used spiky shield. Bubble got knocked back, and I noticed she was bleeding a little. She wasn't hurt too badly, though, so she got back up. "Now, Bubble, aqua jet again!" Bubble used the move again, this time successfully hitting Togedemaru. Togedemaru began to glow white, and it charged forward and hit Bubble. The move, iron head, took out a good chunk of Bubbles health, but the battle wasn't over yet.
"Now use sparkling aria!" Bubble stood up on her tail, then began to sing. As she sang, she summoned a huge water bubble, which touched Togedemaru and popped. Now, Togedemaru had about half of its health left. It flexed, making some yellow and brown spikes come out of its gray back. Togedemaru began to spin around, summoning electricity, and then it threw itself at Bubble, instantly defeating the Primarina; the totem pokemon had used zing zap. I stroked Bubbles cheek, then returned her to her pokeball and sent out Gabe. "Good job, Bubble!" Yvonne called.
"Okay, Gabe, sandstorm!" After I ordered the move, Gabe growled, then brought his arms up as if he was lifting something. With that, a sandstorm brewed, making it hard for me to see. Some sand got in my eye, but I rubbed it out and squinted, seeing that Togedemaru was using zing zap again. However, the move didn't damage Gabe at all.
"Now, Gabe, dragon rage!" Gabe opened his mouth, which held a glowing white ball the size of my hand. He then shot out a huge stream of dark blue misty stuff. Togedemaru was very low on health now. It tried to stand up, but it succumbed to the sand from sandstorm and fainted. Gabe let out a victory roar, then ran up and hugged me.
"Great job, Millie! Gabe!" Yvonne congratulated. As she hugged me, I spotted Minccino sitting on her shoulder. It was looking at Gabe and blushing, clutching its tail and hiding its face. When we released the hug, I looked at Sophocles.
"Congratulations, Millie," he spoke, "you've completed my trial and defeated the totem pokemon. By the way, I think my Togedemaru wants to give you something." Sophocles' Togedemaru walked up and handed me a yellow Z-crystal. "It's the Electrium Z," Sophocles explained. "I hope it'll help you if you catch any electric types, or if your pokemon learn any electric type moves."

As I picked up the Z-crystal, I had another delusion. I saw myself running through a yellow field, filled with sparks of electricity and other electric type pokemon.

Just as I expected someone to snap me back into my senses, everything suddenly went dark.

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