Chapter 8: Kahuna Hala!

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Before I knew it, I was getting prepared to battle Hala. "Now, since this is your first battle with a kahuna," he spoke, "I'm going to try and go a bit easy on you; I'm only going to use one pokemon. But! It's quite powerful, so be careful. Crabrawler, go!" "You too, Spike!"
The two pokemon stood on opposite sides. "Spike, start it off with scald!" "Crabrawler, pursuit!" Crabrawler almost hit Spike, who dodged and let out a blast of hot water. "Now, Crabrawler, power up punch!" "Spike, use poison sting!" Crabrawler forcefully punched Spike in the gut, but the latter went onto the crab pokemons head, turned upside down and wrapped his tentacles around Crabrawlers head. It was hilarious! I started laughing as Halas pokemon started flailing around.
Spike got off, leaving Crabrawler poisoned. I expected Hala to order another move, but instead he touched a brown crystal on his Z-Ring. It started to glow as he made a weird pose, while Crabrawler mimicked its trainers movements. "Crabrawler!" Hala shouted. "ALL OUT PUMMELING!!!" With that, Crabrawler made a weird energy orb and slammed it into Spike, instantly defeating the Mareanie. Was that a Z-move? I wondered.
I returned Spike to his pokeball, then sent out Bubble. That same hint of determination was in her eyes as she went forward. "Bubble, start it off with disarming voice!" "Crabrawler, pursuit!" Bubble let out a huge screech, and when the pink stringy thingys passed Crabrawler, it instantly put it into pain. Just as I was about to order another move, water cloaked Bubbles body as she swam forward and slammed into Crabrawler. "What move was that???" I asked. "That was aqua jet," Hala replied. "Your Popplio just learned a new move. Now, Crabrawler, power up punch!" "Bubble, aqua jet again!" Bubble swam forward, but missed her target; Crabrawler knocked her away in seconds. Bubble landed near my feet with a small thud. "C'mon, Bubble," I encouraged. "Please, get up!" Bubble trembled as she tried to lift herself back up. When she finally got up, she began to glow blue and white.


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