Chapter 19: Lurantis is hungry

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I didn't recognize the totem pokemon, so I took Rotom out of my fanny pack to have it scanned.
"Lurantis, the bloom sickle pokemon. It fires beams from its sickle-shaped petals. These beams are powerful enough to cleave through thick metal plates."
"Spike, you can do this!" I shouted as I sent him out. "Marean...?" He looked in confusion at Lurantis. I saw his eyes widen in fear when Spike realized Lurantis was a grass type. He quickly darted behind my legs, shaking in fear. "Mareanie marean marean!!!" He protested as he shook his head a bunch of times. Probably pokemon talk for, "Why me?! Why me?!" I bent down and tried to calm Spike down after seeing that there were tears in his eyes. "Spike, you're strong," I told him. "You only have to fight Lurantis once." Hopefully...

After a long time of trying to get Spikes courage back up but to no avail, I got an idea. I pulled a pokebean out of my pocket. "Oh no..." I sighed, hoping to get Spikes attention. My plan worked, because he instantly looked up at the blue pokebean I was holding. "The last pokebean. Only someone strong and brave should be able to eat it, though. Hey...I'm strong and brave! Okay, down the hatch!" I opened my mouth, pretending I was about to eat the pokebean. Spike instantly jumped up, grabbed it, ate it, then stood in front of me, ready to battle Lurantis.
"Ok, Spike, start off with poison sting!" Determined, Spike jumped into the air and shot a bunch of purple spikes at Lurantis. "Luran!!!" In return, Lurantis jumped to one side and shot a glowing letter "X" at Spike. I'm going to guess that's X-scissor, I thought. "Okay, Spike, now use bite!" "Marean!" Spike jumped up and bit Lurantis with a hard chomp, but the totem pokemon simply flung him away, obviously not that affected by the move. Then, Lurantis knelt down for some reason, a glowing ball of light on a scythe on the end of its arm being formed. Just as I was about to order Spike to use another move, he summoned some globs of purple liquid and fired them at Lurantis.
I pulled Rotom out of my fanny pack and asked it what move that was. After finding out it was venoshock, I put Rotom back and focused on the battle. The ball Lurantis was holding slowly turned into a blade, which it then swung down. "Quick, Spike, dodge it and use venoshock!" Spike ran out of time to dodge the attack, which I figured out was solar blade, and he got badly hurt, but he managed to use his attack. Lurantis then started throwing up, a sign that it had been poisoned, but it wasn't ready to be beaten yet. Lurantis' body started glowing sparkly white as I figured out it was using synthesis. Great.
Some of Lurantis' injuries slowly faded away. I could tell it wasn't completely healed, though, because some of its injuries were still there, and it was still poisoned. Spike just froze, probably wondering what to do. "C'mon, Spike," I encouraged. Spike turned around, gave me a determined look, then turned back and braced itself. "Marean!!!" It let out an angry cry, ready for whatever was next. "Okay, Spike, use poison sting!" I ordered. My pokemon swiftly ran over to Lurantis and shot some much bigger purple spikes at Lurantis, who used X-scissor. "Now, Spike, venoshock!" Ignoring the fact that he was low on health, Spike shot some bigger purple globs at Lurantis, who then fainted.
"That was an amazing battle!" Mallow praised. Just then, I remembered that there was probably a Z-Crystal somewhere.

My guess was right, and I found a green one in one of Lurantis' scythes. I picked it up and the scenery completely changed. The sky was blue, and I felt like I was running through the softest grass with my pokemon, and smelling the sweetest flowers.

"Millie!" Lana called, snapping me back into reality. "Your food isn't going to eat itself!" "Right." I came, sat down with Mallow, Kiawe and Lana, and began to eat my food. Just then, I turned around and saw Lurantis slowly get up. I kind of felt bad for it, since it didn't get any of the Mallow special.
I got an extra bowl, then dumped half of my mallow special into it and gave it to Lurantis. "Luran, luran!" It thanked as it dug in happily.

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