Chapter 35: Panic in Po town

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I opened the door to my room in the pokemon center. It was late at night, and, after doing some training for the rest of the day after doing Acerolas trial, I had finally found a town, Po town, to stay in for the night. I had gone to a restaurant before heading to the pokemon center, so I was stuffed but satisfied. All of my pokemon were out of their pokeballs.
I laughed a little as I looked at Gabe and Spike, who both had an eating contest at the restaurant, and who both ate too much. They were both lying down on the bed and rubbing their full stomachs. "Marean..." Spike whined. Since meeting Gabe, the two pokemon had become rivals, but really good friends, as well. Spike got along well with everyone on my team, though, which made me glad.

A little while later, I was awoken by Racky and Sparky, who seemed in a panic. "What's wrong...?" I asked sleepily as I stifled a yawn and looked at my watch. It was 2:30 in the morning. What could they possibly want at this hour? "Lux, luxray," Sparky urged as he jumped up onto the bed, pointing to the window with his tail. I took a peek, then gasped. The streets of Po town were caked with Team Skull grunts. I quickly shoved my clothes on as Racky and Sparky went to wake up the rest of my pokemon.

Before fighting the Team Skull grunts, I decided to heal my pokemon, who were all out of their pokeballs, but when I left my room, I saw that even Nurse Joy was gone and replaced by a Team Skull grunt. Oh well, I thought. I'll just buy some hyper potions from the pokemart.
That idea didn't work either, because the employee was gone. I looked in my bag to see if I had any potions. Dammit, I cursed, since there were none.
Just then, I looked at Spike, who was slumping down; this made me feel slightly miffed. "Y'know, if you didn't eat so much food earlier, you would have felt fine," I commented, but then I looked at Gabe, who looked ready to fight.
Just then, my head turned back to Spike when I noticed he was glowing. Evolution! I realized, remembering that day when we first got to Ula'ula island, and he felt left out. Spikes tentacles grew longer and got more spikes as he grew taller. When the glowing stopped, I couldn't see Spikes face; until he lifted up two of his tentacles. "Tox! Toxapex!" He cheered. "Awesome!" I replied. "Now, lets go fight these thugs!" With that, I put everyone but Spike in their pokeballs.

Spike and I took down all of the Team Skull grunts outside, and they had told me to go inside a huge mansion for something. I walked in only to see more Team Skull grunts, but I managed to fight them off.

I then walked upstairs and opened a door, but I widened my eyes when I saw who was waiting in there.


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