Chapter 52: Lusamines apology

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I found myself in the same white room again. What the heck...? I wondered. Did I not save Lusamine? Why am I still having this dream?
Just then, I saw Lunala fly up to me. "Lunala!" I shouted. "Lunala, I thought I saved you and Lusamine! I-If I screwed something up by accident, just tell me!" Lunala didn't reply. Instead, it bowed its head and flew away. "Wait! Lunala, Come back!" I called. "Lunala!!!"
Just then, I heard its voice again.

"Thank you."

I opened my eyes. Everything was a blur, but I could make out the shape of two people. It was noon. I had an IV drip attached to my left wrist, and two bandages, one on my right cheek, and another one near my temple.
I rubbed my eyes, and then figured out that the two people watching me were Yvonne and Lusamine.
"So, you're finally up," Lusamine spoke, which made me sit up and clench my fist. "What the hell are you doing here, Lusamine?!" I demanded. "We came to check on you," Yvonne replied. "You're at the hospital. You've been in a coma for three days now." "What?!" "Yeah. Lusamine was unconcious, too, but only for a couple of minutes." "What else happened? Is Lillie okay?" "Yes, she's fine." It was Lusamine who answered this time. "Speaking of Lillie, I think she wanted to see you for something." "Right," I mumbled.
Just then, a young doctor with brown hair, red glasses and an Audino came in. "Lusamine and Yvonne," he started, "We need to-oh, she's up?" "Yes, Dr. Hutch," Lusamine confirmed. "Thank you for your help."
Dr. Hutch sighed with relief. "I thought you would be comatose WAY longer than that, Millie, but since you're up already, you seem to be doing fine. I'll take out your IV drip and discharge you from the hospital today." "Audi, audino!" With that, Dr. Hutch took out my IV drip and left the room.

Just then, my stomach growled. "Are you hungry?" Yvonne asked. "Quite," I replied. "I'm kind of surprised the IV drip didn't feed me, but that doesn't matter right now. Where are my clothes? My pokemon?" Lusamine took my clothes, which were neatly folded on a desk next to a bouquet of flowers, and put them on the bed. She then did the same with my hat, shoes, backpack and fanny pack.
"Your pokemon are recovering at the pokemon center," Yvonne told me. "Get dressed. We'll pick up your pokemon, get something to eat, and then you can go and see Lillie."

Soon, we were at a restaurant with an all-you-can-eat buffet. While the amount of food on Lusamines plate and Yvonnes plate was rather light, I had gotten a crap ton of food.
When we sat down, I began scarfing down my food like a snorlax. A couple of people were probably staring at me, but I was so famished I didn't care. "Millie..." Yvonne chuckled. "You weren't out for that long. Slow down a little."
"Millie, I have something to say to you," Lusamine admitted. I stopped, took a sip of my Snorunt soda, then looked at her. "What is it?" I asked.
"I just wanted to tell you that I'm truly sorry," Lusamine replied. "It's my fault for getting you into this mess. I'm the reason Nebby and later you fell into a coma. I'm the reason you almost killed Lunala. It's true that children should still listen to adults, but, through your actions, you've opened my eyes to see that you're a remarkable, unbelievable child. You're a brave, compassionate, heroic, strong, and caring young woman, Millie. I hope that the people and pokemon of Alola can learn from you. I wish you all the best when you battle in the Pokemon League." "Thanks," I told her. "By the way, I forgive you."

A little while later, I got Cobalt to fly me to the Altar of the Sunne, where Lusamine told me Lillie was. When I made it there, I saw Lillie standing a little to the left, and Nebby standing in the center of the altar.

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