Chapter 10: Heahea city and Logans decision

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(Geez, I haven't updated for a month! Sorry about that XD)

We stayed on the boat for about half a day before finally making it to Akala island. We stepped off of the boat, and I found it cute how Spike leapt off excitedly.

After leaving the boat port, I saw that we were in Heahea city. Buildings sat on every side, with people and their pokemon everywhere. Heahea city was huge, almost as big as Hau'oli city. I wonder if I'll meet the next trial captain here, I predicted. I was about to leave to go and train, maybe catch another pokemon, too, but then I thought that maybe Spike and Bubble needed a break.

Before I knew it, the three of us were shopping for clothes, which I don't normally find very interesting to do. But, to my surprise, I was having a blast. I bought a whole bunch of clothing. After we finished shopping for clothes, we went to a restaurant with the BEST food I had ever tasted. They even served poffins, which were all the way from the Sinnoh region. I actually lived in Sinnoh until I was seven, so watching my pokemon eat poffins brought back a few memories.

After leaving the restaurant, I saw a girl run up to me. She had wavy brown hair, a sleeveless top with what looked like a cool gothorita design, and beige shorts. Her face was sprinkled with freckles, and her blue eyes were huge. A beige owl pokemon with a green bow sat on her shoulder, looking just as happy as she did.
"Hi there! My name's Yvonne!" She greeted. "Listen, I'm doing the island challenge, but since I completed my first trial on this island, I've been really bored today. Can you have a battle with me? Pleeeease!!!" I thought for a moment. My pokemon and I were having a lot of fun exploring the city, but I didn't want to hurt Yvonnes feelings. Plus, it would be a good idea to do some training before meeting the next trial captain. "I'm Millie, and I'm also doing the island challenge," I introduced with a determined smile. "You're on. You ready, Bubble?" "Bri!" Bubble went in front of me. "Rowlet, that goes for you, too!" The owl pokemon slowly flew off of Yvonnes shoulder and onto the ground. "Alright, Bubble, use aqua jet!" "Rowlet, start with leafage!"



"Are you sure you haven't seen her?" Millies mom asked me. "She's been missing for over a week now!" "I'm sorry, Mrs. Chideson," I replied, "but I haven't seen a single trace of her." We were looking around the island, along with my parents, my older sister Gabby, Duskull and Ms. Chancellor to see where Millie went, despite the fact that she hated my guts, and I hated hers.
Then, I thought for a moment. Why was I bullying Millie? Yes, that Popplio of hers was weak, but what did she do to deserve being bullied? What was the point in bullying her, anyway? When my mind started to connect the dots, I began to feel horrible.
"It was my fault!" I blurted, which made Duskull jump and everyone else stare at me. "I was bullying Millie ever since she first came to our school, but that was a huge mistake!" Strange as it sounded, tears started rolling down my face as I continued to speak. "Millie didn't deserve to be bullied, but I bullied her anyway, not realizing how much I was hurting her feelings! So if anyone's going to find her, it'll be me!" I then ran home with Duskull, wiping away my tears. When I got home, I ran upstairs to my room and slammed my door so hard that my family picture fell off my dark green wall.

That night, I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I reluctantly mumbled. Gabby walked in and sat on my bed as her Skitty (which was given to her by the same uncle who gave me Duskull) curled up in her lap. "Logan, I know you probably want to be alone," she started, "but Mom asked me to come and talk to you." I sat up and began to listen, my eyes still damp from crying. "You may think that Millie left because of you," she continued as she began to braid her long, chocolate brown hair, "but Mom told me she had a talk with Millies mom. They think that Millie left so that she could become a trainer and be with her Popplio. They're not sure which island she's on right now, but I think she wants to battle in the pokemon league."
"In that case, I need to battle in the pokemon league as well," I determinedly told Gabby. I needed to follow Millies footsteps and become a trainer. "I'm leaving tomorrow morning with Litten and Duskull." "What? But Logan-" "Gabby, I need to do this. It's for her own good!" "Logan, if you leave, we're going to have TWO missing kids to try and find!" "Gabby, I'll be fine if my pokemon are with me."

Early the next morning, I packed my backpack with pokeballs, my pokedex, some clothes, some money and a notebook. I got dressed, then walked into Gabbys room. I watched her stomach rise and fall as she slept silently in her pink ponyta nightgown, which, honestly, is a strange thing for a sixteen-year-old to wear. I blew her a kiss goodbye as I tiptoed downstairs, then out the door.

I wasn't going to come back home unless Millie was with me, safe and sound.

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