Chapter 21: Enter the ultra beast!

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The strange pokemon, which looked like a white, translucent jellyfish levitated slowly out of the hole as a red aura began to surround it.
I took Rotom out of my fanny pack and tried to scan the weird pokemon. "Zrrrttt, I can't find any data," Rotom told me. What the hell...? I thought. I then decided to battle the pokemon.

"Racky, use bug bite!" Racky looked down, as if she wasn't feeling well. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked. "Dew...dewpi..." Racky muttered. "...Dewpi!!!" When Racky let out that huge screech, she began to glow. She grew two extra legs, got a bigger head and a longer body. When the glowing stopped, Racky looked completely different, and she was almost five feet taller. "Araqua!!!" She cried. I pulled Rotom out of my fanny pack again and had it scan Racky.
"Araquanid," it explained, "the water bubble pokemon, and the evolved form of Dewpider. It headbutts an enemy with the water bubble on its head. Small pokemon get sucked into the bubble, where they perish and drown." "Aquanid," Racky grunted, waiting to battle.
"Okay," I stated. "Racky, use bug bite!" Rackys fangs started to glow, and she went up to the strange white pokemon and tried to bite it. It quickly dodged, attacked Racky and I, then left by going through the hole again.

"That was an ultra beast," Lusamine explained later on. "Not much is known about them, but apparently they are a threat to Alola. Millie, consider yourself lucky you and your Araquanid weren't too badly hurt by the ultra beast." "How many ultra beasts are there?" Yvonne asked. "With our research, we've discovered nine," Lusamine answered, "but the ultra beasts are nothing for you two to worry about right now." "Millie, you still have to battle the kahuna, right?" Yvonne reminded, making me remember that I still had one thing left to do on Akala island. "I almost forgot about that," I replied. "In that case, Lusamine, can you take Yvonne and I back to Akala island?" "Sure thing," Lusamine agreed. "Lillie, do you want to come as well?" "O-okay..." Lillie agreed, putting her hands behind her back shyly.

We then went on the boat, on the way back to Akala island.

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