Chapter 58: The final opponent

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The day had finally come; the day I would be fighting my final opponent. Who could it be? Was it a boy or a girl? An adult or a kid? Alolan or Kantonian? I wasn't sure. I took a deep breath and smiled with confidence, knowing that my pokemon were with me, fully healed and in their pokeballs.

Bubble, a sweet and caring Primarina who had also gained a sense of ambition and self confidence through our travels. She was the most powerful pokemon on my team.

Spike, an outgoing Toxapex who was also wimpy at times, but compassionate and easy to befriend.

Sparky, a powerful Luxray who was serious, wise, ambitious, and brave. Out of all my pokemon, he was the one who always worked the hardest.

Racky, a playful Araquanid who was also a little shy. After evolving, she had gained a lot of courage.

Gabe, a rescued Garchomp with a sense of humour and a caring personality. When it came to battles, though, he was just as serious as Sparky.

Cobalt, a quiet but clever Skarmory who was also quite agile. She was slightly rude, but knew how to handle a lot of situations in battle.

I closed my eyes, then slowly stepped through the door to see who my final opponent would be. When I opened my eyes, my heart skipped a beat when I saw who I would be battling.


I instantly recognized him by his green eyes and brown hair, even though he had cut it short. A mixture of anger and fear flowed through my body as I flinched, and my heart pumped faster and harder.
I spotted Lusamine, Gladion, Lillie, Yvonne, Cam, Suzy, the trial captains, and the four kahunas in the crowd; seeing them gave me a small boost of confidence, but my hands were still trembling at the sight of Logan.
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen!" Steve shouted in greeting. "This is it: the climax, the ending, the final battle of the APL! Today we will find out who will be crowned champion of the Alola region! Will it be Millie, the winner of side one, or Logan, the winner of side two?! Alright, trainers, whenever you're ready!"

"YOU." I spat those words loud and clear to Logan. "The fact that you're here pisses me off."
I then paused, waiting for him to come up with an insult. Instead, Logan stepped back, his eyes full of fear.
Despite being surprised, I lost it.

"You know what? I'm DONE!" I screamed as I clenched my fists. "I'm done putting up with your teasing and taunting! I'm done crying! I'm done getting hurt by you, both physically and emotionally! You make me sick! You're a selfish, terrible, rude, heartless scumbag with no respect for life! Remember when you said I'll never get a pokemon? Well it looks like you were wrong, because I have a full team with me right now! I'M GOING TO PUMMEL YOU IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!!" With that, I furiously threw Rackys pokeball into the air. Logan did the same, and sent out a Weavile.

Battling Logans first three pokemon was kind of a blur for me. Racky defeated Weavile, but lost to Logans Drampa, who also defeated Cobalt. Gabe knocked out Drampa in one hit, but lost to Logans Golduck. After that, Golduck defeated Spike, but then got defeated by Sparky with just one thunder fang. Now, Logan only had three pokemon left.

"Umbreon, lets go!" When Logans Umbreon came out of its pokeball, I realized right away that it was a dark type.
"Umbreon! Start it with bite!" "Sparky, use crunch!" Sparky and Umbreon both ran up to each other furiously. Umbreon jumped on top of Sparky, pinning him down, and chomped his front right leg. Sparky unsheathed his claws and swiped at Umbreons cheek, then kicked it off with his hind legs. As Umbreon went tumbling to the right, Sparky tackled it and bit its hip.
"Now, Sparky, thunder fang!" "Umbreon, quick attack!" Umbreon began to run so fast that it left behind afterimages as it ran, while Sparky stood in place, trying to keep track of Umbreons movements. When Umbreon slammed into Sparky, the latter tackled it and used thunder fang. Both pokemon were very low on health now.
"Umbreon, use bite!" "Sparky! Thunder fang, one more time!" Sparky bolted forward, leaving behind bits of electricity. Umbreon did the same and left behind small black flames. The two pokemon collided and used their attacks. They both howled from the pain and kicked each other in the gut, causing both of them to tumble backward and kick up huge clouds of dust. When it cleared, Sparky and Umbreon both looked at each other furiously as they barely managed to stand up.

After a few minutes of the two pokemon screeching and roaring at each other in protest, Umbreon lost its balance and fainted. Seconds later, Sparky did the same. Logan and I both returned our pokemon, then got prepared to send out another.

I have to win this, I thought. I've come so far...I can't lose to someone like Logan.

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