Chapter 12: Exploring Brooklet Hill

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"Your pokemon are fully healed," Nurse Joy reminded with a smile as I took my three pokeballs back. "We hope to see you again!" We were at the pokemon center near Brooklet Hill after a few days of training. Sparky had finally gotten a bit stronger, so we were ready for whatever was coming next.
I looked over at Nurse Joy with a smile. "Thank you!" I then decided to explore Brooklet Hill, just to see what it had.

I ran in through a small leafy tunnel, desperate to see what Brooklet Hill looked like and what pokemon lived there. When I got to the other side, I looked around; Brooklet Hill was huge. There was a damp dirt path ahead of me, patches of tall grass, and tiny waterfalls spewing from the crags that surrounded the hill.
Just then, something shot out of a nearby grass patch; it was a tiny spider pokemon. It had six thin, green legs, three of which were used to hold a water bubble on its head. It's abdomen and huge face were gray, and it had large, blue, oval-shaped eyes.
"Dew!" It shouted in a high voice. I unzipped my fanny pack and let Rotom come out to scan it. "Dewpider," it explained, "the water bubble pokemon. It's water bubble protects its soft head and allows it to breathe. They crawl onto the land searching for food. It is a water and bug type. This one is a female." Bug types weren't my favorite, but water types were. Plus, Dewpider looked really cute, so I decided to catch it.
I backed up, then sent out Bubble. "Bubble, use pound!" Bubble obeyed and slapped Dewpider with her right flipper. But I could tell Dewpider wasn't finished yet. She opened her mouth, and a ball of sticky white thread shot out from it like a bullet from a gun. The thread unwrapped itself, forming a spider web, and blanketed over Bubble, leaving her stuck to the ground after I realized Dewpider had used spider web. Bubble tried to use aqua jet to get out, but it didn't work, and Dewpider was ready for more.
Just then, I got an idea. "Bubble, use disarming voice!" Bubble let out a loud screech, and I watched Dewpider try to endure the noise. Pretty soon, it was too much for Dewpider, and she stopped using her move. Bubble was free, and I could tell Dewpider was low on health now; I saw a bruise on the side of her head, and she could barely stand. I then threw a pokeball at her. "Go, pokeball!"
My fourth pokemon. I then decided not to catch any more water types, since I already had three. I sent Dewpider out of her pokeball and sprayed a potion on her wounds. "I'm going to call you Racky," I told her. Racky smiled and crawled onto my shoulder.
"Hey!" A sudden voice scared the living daylights out of me. Out of the bushes marched a short girl who looked about a year younger than me. She had blue eyes and hair, with a white shirt and sky-blue pants. Her skin was pale and her face was sprinkled in freckles. "Don't you know that you're not supposed to catch pokemon during a trial?" "But I wasn't doing a trial...?" I replied, puzzled. The girls eyes widened. "Oh geez!" She blurted. "I'm sorry, please forgive me. My name's Lana, and I'm the trial captain here." I chuckled a little at her mistake, then introduced myself. "I'm Millie, good to meet you. Can I do your trial please?" "Of course! Just follow me."

Soon we had made it to a small lake at the bottom of Brooklet Hill. Lana sent out a large blue pokemon with a gray shell on its back. "This is my Lapras," she told me as she handed me a fishing rod. "For this trial, you need to take the fishing rod and ride around the lake on Lapras." "Um...couldn't you be a little more specific? Like, what's the objective?" "Well, the thing is...there's a certain pokemon who's kind of been causing trouble around the lake lately. If you find it, I want you to fish it up and battle it." "Okay, got it." "Good luck!" With that, I climbed onto Lapras' shell and began my trial.

We were a bit of a ways away from Lana when I saw something bubbling in the water. Curious, I cast my fishing line into the little bubbles. The bobber on the end immediately sunk, so I excitedly reeled it in. I had gotten a huge bite, because even with all my strength, my bite was too heavy to reel in. Racky tried to help, but she was too small to really do anything. Just then, my catch got away, causing me to fall backward as my fishing hook came back up; I would have landed in the water if Racky didn't use spider web to stop my fall. My line had nothing, which made me really disappointed that my catch got away, but I realized I was wrong when a huge blue fish pokemon shot out of the water.

This was definitely the totem pokemon.

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