5) Kidnapped (Drabble)

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Imagine Frank Iero has kidnapped you for his own sick games. As you sit in the cold dark basement with fresh bruises littering your skin, the door opens. You shiver, making your shackles around your wrists jiggle. But when you look up, you are met with familiar white hair and hazel eyes.

It was Gerard Way. You were confused as to why he was here instead of Frank. Maybe he was taking his turn wth you? But to your surprise he pulled out a set of keys from his pocket. "It's going to be alright. I'm going to get you out of here." He whispers softly to you. Tears of joy spill down your cheeks as he unchains you.

He picks you up and takes you far away from that place and to a hotel for the night. "You're safe now. Frank can't ever hurt you again. I'll never let him hurt you, I promise." Gerard speaks softly to you and cradles you close to him, muttering sweet nothings in your ear until you have fallen asleep in his arms. 


Gerard Way Drabbles and One Shots [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now