36) Talk Nerdy To Me

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For LastThief

You walked down the hallway with you head down as insults were being thrown left and right at you. You were quite small, both height and weight. You wore big Harry Potter glasses, a Batman shirt, skinny jeans, and sketchers. You were the school's nerd.

Nobody really liked you. But who needs friends? You do... You've never had friends before. You were always by yourself. But that all changed today. As you were walking to your locker, you had to pass by a group of punks.

They were snickering and being really loud and you were afraid that they'd spot and harass you, maybe beat you up. But you needed you math book from your locker. Oddly enough, they didn't notice you when you walked passed them.

You thought you were in the clear, but as soon as you opened your locker, the shortest, and most toughest looking punk approached you. "Hey, you!" He said. You froze. He leaned up against the locker with his arms crossed and a big childish smile.

"I'm Frank! But you can call me Frankie!" He beamed. He's introducing himself? Is it a trap? "And you are?" He asked, stretching are. You cheeks were dusted with an embarrassing blush. "(Y-y/n)." I shyly replied. "(Y/n)? I think I'll call you (n/n)!" He said.

"Um... o-ok?" You awkwardly replied. Frank looks over at his group of friends before looking back at you. "You're always by yourself, do you wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch?" He asked. Is this guy joking?

Maybe he was trying to lure you to his friends so they can beat you up. "My friend over there thinks you're cute." He said, gesturing to the one with long black hair and wearing a leather jacket, jeans, and boots. When you looked at him, he immediately hid behind a corner.

Your cheeks grew hot and looked. He was their leader and you always found him really cute. But was it worth the risk? You looked back at him and he was leaning up on the wall tapping his foot impatiently. You blushed again and looked back up at Frank.

"Y-yeah ok." You finally said. Frank perked up and smiled. "Awesome! See you at luuuuuunch!" He chirped, saying lunch in a sing song tone before rushing off back to his friends as the bell rang. You grabbed your math book and darted to your math class.


You were on your way to lunch when someone tripped you. "Loser!" He snarled. It was Kyle. Your typical bully with a really low voice, jock, and a giant dumbass. He grabbed you by your hair and pulled you to your feet. "Fork over the dough!" He barked, holding his hand out.

By dough he means money. With a shaky hand, you reached into your pocket and gave him the 10 dollar bill. Kyle snickers and throws you down. "Maybe you should call Ratman to come and save you? Dork!" He snarled. He kicked you in the stomach before walking away.

"I-its Batman y-you idiot..." you choughed, even though he was already gone. Well... there goes your lunch money... again. Guess you'll be going hungry today... again! Oh well. When you go to lunch, you found Frank and his friends sitting at a table.

Frank saw you and waved to you. You shyly waved back and sat down next to him. "So guys, this is (y/n). (Y/n), this is Ray, Mikey, and Gerard." Frank introduced you. They all greeted you. All except Gerard who kept looking at you weird. Actually... he was glaring at you.


She's so beautiful. Her big round glasses just makes her look even more adorable. God I want to talk to her so bad, but I was afraid I may embarrass myself. I furrowed my eyes brows, frustrated with myself for not being able to talk. (Y/n) looked right at me and looked down with a sad look.

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