45) Sassed (Drabble)

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You're Gerard's daughter in this...

You groaned as the cramps got worse. You were on your period and the cramps are murder. Your dad looked at you. "It can't be that bad (Y/n)..." He said. You glared at him. "How would you know anyways? You don't have periods!" You snapped. He put his hands up and shook his head.

You put your head back on the couch and groan. "Father I am dying!" You whined. Gerard chuckled. "Suck it up buttercup. And you're not dying, you're just being dramatic." He said. You growled. "Who do you think I got that from?!" You yelled. He glared at you and your mom, Lindsey, said "Oooh, you just got sassed!"


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