15) Work... (Drabble)

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Imagine that your husband Gerard has been over working himself by locking himself in his work space and not coming out for a week. You're very proud of Gerard for working so hard on his art and music, but you got worried about him because you haven't seen him in a week.

You've thought about knocking on the door to check up on him, but you really don't want to bother him. Knowing him it'll just make him mad. From time to time you would hear his frustrated sighs and curses coming from his office. But this time scared you the most.

There was a loud crashing. You shot right up off the couch and bolted to his office. "G-Gerard? Are you alright?!" You asked frantically from outside his office door. "Yes (y/n), I'm fine. I just fell asleep and fell out of my chair." He said, irritated.

You sighed quietly and looked down, feeling ashamed for bothering him. "Ok, sorry for bothering you. I just got worried." You said before walking away from the door. You were about to go back downstairs when the office door burst open making you jump.

"Wait a minute (y/n)!" Gerard called. You turned to face him and curiously walked back down the hallway and stopped a few feet away. "You don't need to apologize for worrying about me. I mean I could have been seriously hurt, but it's nice to know you care enough to check up on me.

It means your a good wife, a damn good one and I'm so lucky that you're mine." Gerard smiled. You blushed and looked away from him. "Speaking of you being mine!" He said in a low husky tone. Gerard grabbed both of your hands, pushed you up against the wall and pinned your hands over your head and pressed his body to yours.

"I need you all to myself for a day. I've been working really hard. I deserve a break!" He growled. Gerard kissed you roughly and pushed his hips to yours so you could feel his boner. You obviously kissed back and let him shove his tongue into your mouth. Let's just say that the rest of the day was really... intense for you.


Gerard Way Drabbles and One Shots [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now