7) Do You Believe In Vampires?

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This was requested by Patrick_stump12

The crowd around you screamed at the top of their lungs in excitement when the concert started. You were at an MCR concert and you couldn't be happier. You were in the front of the crowd head banging and enjoying yourself. You notice Gerard looking in your direction a few times.

To you it seemed like something was off about him. His eyes kept turning red whenever he made eye contact with you. You just brushed it off as it being from the lighting that made it seem like his eyes were changing. That's impossible! You laughed at yourself for being so silly and enjoyed the rest of the concert.

"Way down, way down
Way down, way down
Way down, way down
Way down, way down

I miss you, I miss you so far
And the collision of your kiss that made it so hard
When will I miss you, when will I miss you so far
And the collision of your kiss that made it so hard
Made it so hard

Way down, way down
Way down, way down
Way down, way down
Way down, way down
Way down..."

The crowd cheered after the final song. Gerard said his goodbyes and the band got off the stage. You left the venue after buying some merch and walked this empty street. It was a cold night and you were out by yourself. You didn't have a car so you had to walk home.

You had this weird feeling that you were being watched and you kept hearing footsteps, but when you looked around there was nobody. You're just being paranoid. You told yourself. Just then someone came up from behind you and wrapped an arm around your waist and began to drag you into an ally.

You tried to scream but they put their hand over your mouth. They seemed to be dragging you back to the venue, but you were dragged into an unknown place. "Shhh! It's ok! I'm not going to hurt you! It's Gerard! I sing for My Chemical Romance! I saw you in the crowd!" They said.

You stopped struggling and looked up at your captor and it really was him! You let your muscles relax but you were still shaking. Gerard slowly let go of you and took your hand, leading you to a dressing room. "Sorry about that." He half laughed after shutting the door. "I-I don't understand.

Wh-why did you drag me like that?" You asked. You were excited, confused and a little scared. He smirked at you and approached you. "What's your name?" He asked. "(Y-Y/n)." You stuttered as he got closer. "What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said with that twisted smile.

Your cheeks burned a little and you looked away from him. "Tell me (y/n), do you believe in vampires?" Gerard asked, now only inches away from you. You could feel his body heat he was so close, though, you didn't back away. "N...no?" You answered confusingly.

Gerard put his fingers under your chin and made you look up at him, gently though. "I can assure you that they're 100 percent real sugar." As he says this, he smiles wide and you can see his dagger like fangs. You gasp and quickly back away from him until you are against a wall.

Now you understand why he dragged you back here. He was a vampire and now he's going to kill you! You closed you eyes and braced yourself. "Awww, I'm sorry sugar! I didn't mean to scare you." Gerard says and steps closer to you. You only cowar against the wall.

"(Y/n), I swear I'm not going to hurt you. I brought you back here for a reason. I think... no... I know you're the one." Gerard now spoke in a soft tone. Confused, you looked up at him. "Wh-what do you mean I-I'm the one?" You asked quivering.

He steps closer to you. "You're the one I've chosen to be my mate." He says just barley above a whisper. Pink dusted your cheeks and you looked away from him. You didn't know what to say. "Come with me!" Gerard suddenly blurted. "What?!" You asked shocked.

"I want you to come with me, as in, on the tour bus with me and the band! I've chosen you to be my mate and I need to protect you and make sure nothing happens to you! The guys all know of what I am and will understand! (Y/n), I know we just met, but please! Baby I need you!

I've searched 15 years for you!" Gerard pleaded. His hands grasping your upper arms and a desperate look on his face. You thought about it for a few minutes. Your parents probably wouldn't even care. Your mother abandoned you, your father abuses you, your older sister hates you and you have no friends.

You slowly nodded. "O-Ok... I'll go with you..." You say quietly. Gerard's face lights up and he lets out a squeal and hugs you. You smile lightly and hug him back. He pulls back a little and crashes his lip onto yours. At first you don't move because you're shocked.

But then you melt into the kiss and moan a little when he slips his tongue in your mouth. He tasted like fresh blood. Gerard pulled away so that you could breathe. "I know it's a bit early for this. but I love you (y/n)." He said, his now red eyes staring softly into your (e/c) eyes.

"I love you too Gerard."


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