60) Sound Of Silence

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For @honey_senpai0229

You looked outside your bedroom window at the stormy night. You sighed, which made some fog on the window. Today was the anniversary of what you went through as a child. You still remember the cold metal from the shackles, the evil laugh from the man that tortured you.

The screams of your parents and little sisters when they were all killed. You shudder at the memory that took place 15 years ago. You haven't spoken ever since. A tear ran down your cheek and you walked over to you bed and plopped down. You were adopted by a sweet woman in New Jersey that goes by Donna Way.

She has two sons, but they've already moved out and are in a famous rock band known as My Chemical Romance. You don't really get to see them very much. They do take time to visit you and their mom, but it's usually only for a short amount of time. Out of the Way brothers, Gerard was always your favorite.

You two were really close with each other and he was your best friend. Hell, you even have his old bedroom in the basement. You would never admit it, but you had little crush on him. But it could never work, because you are 18 and Gerard's 33. Oh well, you can dream can't you?

You were pulled from your thoughts when Donna knocked on your door. You wiped your tears away and opened your door. "Hi sweetie. Look, I know you don't like to celebrate your birthday, but I got you a surprise I know you'll love." She says with a grin. You tilt your head and urge her to go on.

"Gerard, Mikey and their band are having a concert here in Belleville, TONIGHT!" She exclaimed. Your eyes widen. You haven't seen them live in years. Not since they first started their band. You couldn't help but smile and hug your foster mother. She hugged back and smiled. "You should start getting ready." You nod and jump in the shower.

(Mega fucking time skip to the concert)

You standing at the very front, looking up at the band. Gerard noticed you and grinned. You blushed a little and smiled a little. "Hand in mine, into your icy blues." Gerard sang. Other people sang along to the song. If only you could...

After the concert, you went backstage and immediately, everyone ran up to you and hugged you, nearly knocking you off your feet. "(Y/n)!" They shout in excitement. Frank being the energetic child he is, picked you up and spun you around. You let out a tiny squeak. "Frank, put her down!" Said Gerard.

Frank pouted, but put you down anyways. Gerard looked down at you and smiled. "Hey kiddo! Happy birthday!" You glared at him. You were no kid anymore! And that's exactly what you wrote on your tiny notebook. He chuckled and patted your head. "Right right. Sorry."

You sighed and smiled a little. You couldn't stay mad at him. "Come with me real quick. I want to talk to you." You nodded and started to follow him, but he stopped. "Leave your notebook..." You bite your lip and write 'why?' "Because." You huff and hand your notebook over to Mikey and follow the head head.

He took you to the tour bus and sat down with you. "You've been cutting again..." Your heart raced and you shook your head. He looked at you. "Don't lie to me (Y/n), I could see the scars from when your sleeve fell down during the concert." You looked down as tears streamed down your face.

He lifted your chin and wiped away your tears. You sniffled and looked into his hazel eyes. "Nothing in this world is even worth hurting yourself over. I know you're hurting on the inside. But the only way to even begin to recover is by talking to somebody about it. Everything you're keeping inside will only hurt you more.

(Y/n), please, you need to talk. You need to talk to somebody you trust. Talking about what you've gone through is the best way to recover. Please..." Gerard was on the verge of tears. You sobbed. You didn't want to see him like this. Seeing him on just the verge of tears tore you apart.

You knew he was right. You trusted Gerard more than anyone. If you were ever gonna start talking, it would have to be little sentences and a few words at a time. You looked each other in the eyes and you gulped. "G-G-G..." you started. His eyes widen a little. "G-Ger...ard!" He smiled and tears ran down his face.

But they weren't sad tears. They were happy tears. "Say it again! Say my name again!" He had a big grin on his face. "G-Gerard." You repeated. He hugged you tightly. "Your voice is so beautiful!" He choked out from crying. He picked you up and ran to the door. "MIKEFRANKRAY!" He screamed. You chuckled slightly.

You finally have your voice back. And Gerard want to share it with everyone.

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