57) Never Mind About The Shape I'm In (Party Poison)

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Trigger warning ⚠️

The last thing you remembered was a firefight. You groaned as the setting sun beats down on you. "Party?" You croaked. Your thought was extremely dry from dehydration. "(K/n)...!" You heard your leader wheezed. You rolled over on the hot sand and faced Party Poison.

He laid on the desert next to you with a hole in his side from a drac shooting him. The mindless zombie like drac was aiming for you, but Party pushed you out of the way and got shot instead. The sun was sitting and it was already below freezing.

"C-Come here kid." He says, motioning you over with his pointer finger. You obeyed and scooted closer to your leader. He wrapped an arm around you and with what little strength he had left, he pulled you close to his chest. "Party! We have to get you back to the diner!"

He sighed and shook his head. "(K/n)... w-we can't. The trans-am's r-radiator's been shot. T-The sun is a-almost down. We're all the way in z-zone 2, if we leave w-we'll just freeze to death, plus i-it'll be too dark to see anything." You bit your lip but nodded.

Party unzipped his jacket and brought you closer. He drapes his jacket over you, so he could keep you warm. "It's okay Party! At first light, I'll take you to the diner and Jet can fix you up and make you all better!" You beamed at the older killjoy.

You were only 13 years old. The Killjoys had found you stranded when you were 10. Party weakly chuckled. "I-I may not even make it t-to morning..." You gasped and looked up. "N-no! Please don't say that! You have to make it!" You shout, tearing up.

"Kid, I-I've taught you e-everything y-you need to... learn about b-being a killjoy. Now a-all that's left i-is for you to... l-learn to say g-goodbye." The tears came streaming down your face. "NO! I WON'T! PARTY POISON I CAN'T!!!" You cried. Party held you close and you cried into his chest.

"L-Listen here. Y-You have t-to promise me th-that when I-I'm gone that y-you'll do what i-it takes to s-survive. Y-You're strong e-enough to d-do it w-without me." You looked up at him. "But Party-" He put a finger to your lips, shutting you up.

"(K/n)... a-as your l-leader, I-I'm ordering you t-to." He weakly smirked. You whimpered and nodded. Party patted your head and you put your face back in his chest. "N-Never mind a-about the shape I'm in... I-I'll keep you safe tonight." He held you closer and kept you warm for the rest of the night.


You woke up to the hot sun beating down on you. You heard a car engine purring a few feet away. You rub your tired eyes and see a familiar colorful van. Kobra Kid, Fun Ghoul, and Jet Star stepped out. You could see Dr. Death Defying in the van.

"(K/n)! Are you alright?" Jet asked. You nodded and looked up at your still sleeping leader... who wasn't moving. "Party wake up. Dr. Death Defying is here. We can go home now." You yawned. Party didn't respond. "Partyyyy!" You said a bit louder, shaking him.

(I'm crying right now!)

The other slowly approached you. "Bro come on." Kobra said. Ghoul and Jet looked at the two of you with sympathy. They both looked like they were about to cry. "Wake up!" You say louder and lightly slap his cheek. It was cold... "Why is his cold?"

Kobra fell to his knees as tears streamed down his face. You looked back at your pale leader as you came to realize he was gone. "Party... NO YOU CAN'T DO THIS! PLEASE WAKE UP! DON'T LEAVE US!!! PLEASE?!!!" You sobbed on his chest. Jet and Ghoul pulled you away from him.

You thrashed around but they were much stronger than you. You knelt down and kept crying. Kobra scooted over to you and hugged you. "Th-there were dracs and he tried to save me. This is all my fault Kobra, I'm so sorry!" You cried. He shook his head.

"It's not you're fault (K/n). Don't ever say that." He rubbed your back. Jet and Ghoul moved Party into a body bag and came and hugged you both. "You know..." he sniffed. "His last order to us was to do what it takes to survive." They nod. You look back as you got in the van.

"So long and goodnight..."


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