31) So Give Me All Your Poison (Killjoys)

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You were a new Killjoy. Well, new to the ranks. You had been in training since after the fires and helium wars. You were the best rookie ever. Which is why when it was time for you to join the ranks, Dr. Death Defying put you with the Fabulous Four. There's just one problem.

Party Poison

It was only your first day and already he was giving you trouble. He's not a jerk, he's perverted. "When Dr. D said we'd be getting a new team mate he didn't tell us they'd be a beautiful girl!" Party said, leaning close to me, giving me no room on the couch.

He had his arm wrapped around my waist and his hand running up and down my thigh. "C-can you please get out of my room?" You squeaked. Party laughed. "Your room? Sugar, this is my room. I put all your things in here with me so we can be together!"

He said, walking two fingers up your thigh. You squeaked when he got too close. Party chuckled and kissed your neck. You had to bite your tongue so you wouldn't moan. "You're so innocent." Party purred. You gulped and put your hands down in front of your private area.

In his perspective, it's kind of understandable why Party Poison is behaving like this. There aren't many female Killjoys around. He probably hasn't had a single kiss since the fires. "FUCK NO!!!" You screamed when Party grabbed your boob.

You slapped him and ran out of the room. "(K/j/n), what's wrong?" Jet Star asks, seeing your tears. You shake your head and run outside. You ran for the hills behind the diner. "(Y/J/N) WAIT!!!" You heard Party Poison yell after you.

You climbed to the top and watched Party try to maneuver around the thousands of cactuses, getting poked and scratched several times

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You climbed to the top and watched Party try to maneuver around the thousands of cactuses, getting poked and scratched several times. You thought he'd just give up, but he made it to the top and was out of breath. "(K/j/n)... I." He panted.

You look up at him, tears still streaming down your face, and you were shaking over what just happened. "Fuck..." he said under his breath. Party grabbed you and pulled you into a hug, but gently. "I'm sorry. I'm such an an idiot!" He said. You nodded.

Party sighed. "I went too far and I'm really sorry. Truth is, I don't see many female Killjoys anymore. But when I do, I do what any other killjoy would do. Try to hook up. You're the first girl that's ever rejected me and I didn't know how to react.

I thought you were just playing hard to get at first. But when you slapped me and ran out crying I realized what a douche bag I was being. I'm really sorry (k/j/n)." He went on. You buried your face in his chest and hun on to his jacket. "It's ok, Party. I'm sorry for slapping you."

You said, looking up at him. You can see a red mark on his cheek. He waved it off. "It's fine. I deserved it." He smiled. You smiled back and ruffled up his hair. He leaned down and kissed your forehead. You smiled and grabbed his hand and walked down the hill.

"I really like you (k/j/n)." Said Party. You blushed and kissed his cheek. Party's face went about as red as his hair. "I really like you too Party Poison!"

Yikes, that sucked. Next time I write a Party Poison one shot, I'll try to make it better and make Party not so perverted

(Pssst! Pm me if you want to do a Killjoys rp!)

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