22) Disapproval (Drabble)

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You and your dad were at a My Chem concert. It was during revenge era. You and your dad were at the very front of the crowd. You were almost touching them. Gerard Way was directly in front of you. He kept looking at you with this really adorable look!

He'd tilt his head and bat his eyes at you. You were too caught up in his looks and the music to notice the disapproved look on your dad's face. After the last song Gerard smirked at you. He looked over at the door leading to the backstage area and nodded towards it, hinting you.


You looked down and blushed. "I don't think so!" Your dad barked. You and Gerard both looked up at him. Your dad dragged you out of the stadium and out into the bar area. "Dad, what gives?" You asked. "I'm sorry hun, but I don't like they way he was looking at you." He said sternly.

You sighed as you two sat down and your dad ordered himself a drink. "Pssst!" The guy next to you whispered. It was Mikey Way! The bassist of the band! He glanced over at your dad who was too busy ordering something and slipped you a piece of paper.

"Open it when you get home." Mikey whispered before hurrying back to the band. You slipped the folded up paper in your pocket and waited for your dad. He just settled with a bottle of Pepsi and took you back home.


When you got home you went upstairs into your bedroom and eagerly looked at the paper Mikey gave you. "Sorry that your dad didn't let you go backstage. So why don't you meet me at the playground as soon as you read this? XOXOg"

You held the note close to you and squealed. You peaked outside your bedroom door and hear your dad getting ready for bed. You quietly shut the door and crawled out your window and began your journey to the local park.


The playground was empty and it was nighttime, making it all the more creepy. You turned around to go home thinking this was a horrible idea when you bumped into someone's chest.

You looked up at the raven haired man and your heart skipped a beat. It was Gerard Way! He actually came! You began to feel a little safer with him here now. "Hi sugar. Glad you could make it."

HOLY CRUD!!! FIVE ONE SHOTES UP IN ONE DAY?! I'M ON A ROLL!!! But I think I'll stop here FOR NOW, because I'm very tired.


Gerard Way Drabbles and One Shots [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now